- Neem Oil: what it is for
- Neem Oil: ideal for problematic skin
- Neem oil to fight acne
- Effective against eczema
- Excellent as an anti-aging remedy
- Strong, shiny hair with Neem oil
- Dandruff becomes a memory with Neem oil
- Against fungi for nail health
- Healthy and protected teeth and gums
- Pesticides for animals, plants, and gardens
- Neem Oil: Contraindications and Side Effects
Natural remedies have become more and more successful in recent times, given the growing need for environmentally sustainable and chemical-free treatments. One such remedy is Neem oil. Let's find out what it is and what it is for.
Neem Oil: What it's for
Neem oil comes from the pressing of a plant, the Azadirachta Indica, widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, so much so that its name comes from that of the Indian deity Neymar. It has many properties: from the benefits for the skin to those for the teeth and gums, it is also useful for plant health and is an excellent pesticide and antifungal, even against fungi of the nails and scalp.
Neem oil: ideal for problematic skin
Neem oil can be used on the skin in various ways: it can be used by those suffering from eczema or psoriasis, as well as by those with dry skin that needs to be soothed. This oil is also very suitable for those suffering from acne.
Neem oil for fighting acne
Neem oil acts very well on acne of bacterial and non-hormonal origin (for which specific treatments are required) as it has an active ingredient similar to acetylsalicylic acid (from which the common Aspirin is also obtained) which fights pimple bacteria and at the same time is not comedogenic, but rather also reduces inflammation and redness.
Effective against eczema
Remaining within the scope of use on the epidermis, Neem oil is also perfect for relieving eczema from various causes, precisely because it has anti-inflammatory properties and numerous fatty acids that also help to nourish the skin and repair it (thanks to its significant repairing effects on cells).
Excellent as an anti-aging remedy
Those who usually use expensive anti-aging creams will certainly appreciate the much cheaper, but equally effective, the alternative of Neem oil as an anti-aging agent. Its content in Vitamin E and fatty acids makes it excellent as an antioxidant, with the consequence of delaying the appearance of wrinkles and also acts as a shield against pollution.
Strong and shiny hair with Neem oil
Neem oil is also very effective for the beauty and health of the hair. Used as an exclusive oil is decisive against the pediculosis of children, while mixed with other oils (such as coconut or almond) can be very useful against brittle hair and without vigor. A weekly application before shampooing is also sufficient, as a wrap.
Dandruff becomes a memory with Neem oil
In addition to nourishing the hair, Neem oil purifies the scalp and frees it from dandruff, precisely because of its anti-inflammatory properties. A shampoo based on Neem oil also balances the skin's pH.
Against fungi for nail health
Another typical characteristic of Neem oil is that it is a powerful antifungal, especially against nail fungi. Against onychomycosis it is sufficient to add two drops of Neem oil, perhaps together with Melaleuca oil, to easily fight the infection.
Healthy and protected teeth and gums
Teeth and gums are other parts of the body that benefit from the use of Neem oil. With a few drops of this oil added to the common toothpaste or rinse water the teeth will be whiter and stronger, and the gums healthier. Also perfect for combating herpes labialis.
Pesticide for animals, plants, and gardens
Finally, Neem oil is extraordinary for eliminating parasites from the bodies of domestic animals (dogs and cats) or horses. Ticks, fleas and other insects, in fact, hate the smell of this oil. On the market there are also sprays based on Neem oil that can be sprayed on fabrics, at home, for this purpose, but also on plants, in the garden, to keep away the most common pests.
Neem oil: contraindications and side effects
Although it is generally well-tolerated, it is advisable not to use Neem oil during pregnancy or if hypersensitivity to this substance has developed (it is always better to try it first on a small part of the epidermis).