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Dear fox


Doing sport with the dog is a satisfaction: it is above all by playing together that you create that unique dog-owner bond, of absolute and mutual trust. So here are some ideas on what sport to do, depending on your inclinations and those of your dog"s breed!


This sport is definitely famous and now widespread for other animals (never heard of agility for rabbits? ). In this discipline is the game between the parties to be important: collaboration, understanding are the keywords. It"s the ideal way to help your dog grow in balance with himself and training his muscles. Agility is suitable for dogs who like to run and play. .. So almost all dogs! The important thing is that your four-legged friend is healthy and in good shape, not to get hurt or tired.


It is a dog-loving discipline in which dog and master run on a dirt track, tied together. The union is given by a belt for the human, a line that joins and a bib for the dog. It is a sport that requires a lot of training, both for the dogs and for the owners to be able to maintain a constant pace along the way. It is also a sport for which you need specific equipment, both for the dog and for us humans. A belt, to be worn at the waist and tied to the line: it is better to choose one with a padded part to avoid excessive stress. A cushioned line no longer than 2 m, which can be a rope or a ribbon with an elastic part: also here, the elastic serves to prevent abrupt variations in gait create traumas to one side or the other. A bib, the ideal is the H or sleddog.



A sport that in addition to coordination between dog and master, provides coordination and just. Jokes aside, it is a sport in which you use a frisbee, coordinating at a distance with various launches and sockets coded. Seeing a show of this sport is really incredible and today there are many races and championships where you can perform or go peeking.


For those who love to get lost in nature, summer or winter, the ideal is trekking. Here too, however, we must not underestimate the effort for the dog: if for us it is appropriate to use appropriate shoes and clothing, the same applies to the dog. The indispensable ones are obviously collars or harnesses, with a leash for the traits where other dogs or other animals meet (see in the entry: cows). Bring with you water, snacks and a canine first aid kit, because even dogs can get hurt. If your dog is sufficiently trained and is a subject who needs a lot of movement you can also equip him with a backpack, being careful not to overload him! If it"s winter, don"t forget the waxing: even if your dog has a thick coat, given the lower temperatures in case of rain or snow, it is advisable to protect him with a simple raincoat.


The discipline of using sheep. Believe it or not, it is very popular and it is not difficult to find a center not far from home! The most suitable dogs are the Scottish shepherd and the border collie (nothing but agility! ), which is a perfect shepherd dog! The basic purpose of the sheepdog is not to win the many championship races or stress the dog for unattainable results, but the relationship that is created between dog and handler, through a work together made of tenacity and love. The dog in this way "works" to allow its human to interact with other animals. Here too, clothing cannot be left to chance, especially that of us humans: deodorant (fundamental, we sweat a lot), boots and mud-proof clothes. The dog, on the other hand, only needs a brush when returning to the base or a quick wash: to avoid frequent baths it is better to use dry shampoo and a glove washer-dryer.



To start one of these sports our suggestion is first of all to hear your vet: if your dog has a particular disease you may have to choose carefully. Secondly, look for a training centre or dog playroom near you. There are so many sports centres for those who want to have fun with their dog: choose a place that inspires confidence and rely on an expert for the first approaches.