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Decorative gardening

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fruit and garden health https://pixabay.com/ru/photos/apple

Curly pilots. Use. Assortment

Climbing and climbing pilots are a group of plants used for vertical landscaping, i.e. decorating walls, fences, terraces, poles, balconies, skids, pergolas and for planting on the lawn in the form of columns, pyramids, etc. decorating the selection of culture

All the climbing pilots grow well and bloom only when they have a high level of agro-technology - deep cultivated soil, large amounts of fertilizer, regular watering, pruning, etc. Cord is mostly used as a support for shoots.

Loaf, purple immeia. The annual plant of family Vyunkovye.

Flowers are funnel-shaped, 4-6 cm in diameter, white, pink, red-purple, blue, blue, purple, monochrome or motley. Terry forms can be found. Blossoms from the end of June to October. Flowers open only in the morning. Faded flowers do not reduce the ornamentation of plants.

The Ipomeya grows very quickly, and in a short time the height of shoots reaches 3-4 m.

Reproduce with seeds. They are sown in May for permanent place or in pots for 2-4 seeds. Overgrown plants with soil coma are planted in the open soil in the second half of May. Transplanting without coma is poorly tolerated. Distances when planting 15-20 cm.

Better developed in sunny areas protected from strong winds, the soil is undemanding. An essential element of isomey care is the tension of the twine around the plants.

Peas fragrant. Annual climbing plant of the Legumes family. Ribbed thin stalks of a pea fragrant in length reach 0,3-3 m.

Flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm, 3-12 on one peduncle, coloring from white to purple, monochrome and motley, with a pleasant, strong aroma. Sometimes terry forms occur. Blossoms from June to mid-August, and if flowers are systematically cut down to frost. With the end of flowering, the ornamentation of plants sharply decreases.

Seeds are multiplied: soaked for a day in warm water (20-24 ° C), sowed in April in cubes 9 cm in diameter (better germinated seeds) and put them in greenhouses or half-warm greenhouses. A short drop in temperature after wetting (7-8 days) to 3° C speeds up flowering. In the ground planted in early May. For late flowering sow in May in the open soil with row-spacing 40-70 cm and in rows between plants 15-20 cm.

Dwarf varieties do not need a garter, and tall plants at the beginning of growth tie up in two or three places to the stakes or horizontally stretched wire, twine. In the seed-growing purposes for reception of elite of peas fragrant expediently to grow in pyramids with diameter of the basis of 80 sm; in the center of this circle put a two-meter stake, and to it tie a twine from the small pegs put about plants. With mass seed production of peas fragrant grow in trellises.

The most decorative peas fragrant reaches in the sunny places with protection from the wind, with medium, deeply processed and well fertilized lime slightly acidic (pH 6-7) loamy soils. Weeding, loosening and watering contribute to the duration of flowering. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, flowers and buds fall off.

Peas are grown with a short bottom in hydroponic greenhouses, sowing it both in winter and spring. At the same time, they receive up to 900 flowers from 1 m2 per month during the flowering period.

In addition to vertical planting, they are used for cutting, including in spring and winter crops in greenhouses. The collections of scientific institutions have more than 70 varieties.

Nasturtium. The weaved form of nasturtium by decorative and biological peculiarities of growth and flowering has much in common with the bushy form described above.

Decorative beans, garden beans, Turkish beans. The annual plant of the Legumes family.

The stem reaches 4-5 m in length. Flowers are small, white, pink, red and motley" are collected in several pieces on a pedicel in a small flower inflorescence. Blossoms from June to frost.

Decoration of plants with the end of flowering decreases slightly.

Reproduce with seeds. For early flowering they sow in April in cubes or pots with a diameter of 9 cm one or two seeds each. The cubes are placed in greenhouses or nurseries, which are often ventilated. As soon as the danger of frost bypasses, the plants are planted at a constant distance of 15-20 cm.

For vertical landscaping also use winged tunnelbergy, goat climbing, Japanese hop and common hop, pumpkin, lagenarium.