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Psychasthenic character and stuck character

An employee with a psychasthenic character, as a rule, is rational, inclined to analytical, "step-by-step" processing of information, comprehension of the facts by means of splitting up, allocation of separate signs. At the same time, switching to other ways of reflecting the world around - to the level of images, to the intuitive capture of the situation as a whole - does not occur.
source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/04/20/20/59/mental-health-3337026__340.jpg
source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/04/20/20/59/mental-health-3337026__340.jpg

Constant rationalism impoverishes and weakens emotionality. Emotional experiences become faded, monotonous and subordinate to the course of intellectual constructions. This leads to the fact that, in contrast to the previous type, there is a weakness in the process of displacement. For example, a person has comprehended the situation, weighed all the pros and cons, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to act in such a way, but the emotional movement so weakly organizes his inner world that doubts are not discarded and the person as if refrains from acting just in case.

The same desires can arise from time to time, not finding expression in behavior, becoming familiar and eventually even annoying. Exciting topics become the subject of repeated reflection, but it does not lead to anything. Doubts can also be familiar, and hesitation between the pros and cons of a matter can become permanent. As a result, this type of person is characterized by the absence of a firm position. It is replaced by the desire to explore everything, delaying the conclusions and decisions. If you need to rationalize your understanding of the situation, talk to such a person, he or she will deeply analyze at least some of its sides, although other aspects may be left unattended by him or her.

But a person with such a character should not be overwhelmed by decision-making, especially those responsible. If they have to make such decisions, they should be helped to do so by providing advice, identifying experts on the issue and suggesting solutions, helping to overcome the psychological (rather than objective) barrier in the transition from decision to action. Obviously, administrative work is contraindicated to psychasthenics. Once in a complex, rapidly changing, multifaceted situation, for example, a situation of communication, such a person does not have time to comprehend it, may feel constrained and lost.

Stuck character

The fact is that the peculiarities of emotional experiences stuck character is opposite to the labile one. As A.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky writes, in the sphere of feelings the law of oblivion (meaning ordinary changeable feelings, but not moral and moral attitudes) operates. Remembering the resentment, praise, enthusiasm, disappointment, etc., we, of course, can imagine our condition, but we can no longer relive it, the acuteness of the feeling is gradually lost. Otherwise, there are faces of a stuck character: when they remember what happened, the feelings, in the words of Lermontov, "painfully hit the soul. Moreover, they can become stronger because, repeating themselves from time to time, they stylize the idea of the situation, transforming its details. Especially the resentment is remembered for a long time, as negative feelings are felt more strongly. People with such a character are vindictive, but this is explained not by intent, but by firmness and lack of mobility of experience.

Slow mobility manifests itself at the level of thinking: new ideas are often difficult to assimilate, sometimes it is necessary to spend days and months to inspire such a person with a fresh idea. But if he understands it, it follows her with inevitable perseverance. The same slowness, inertia can also be seen at the level of movement. Slowly, as if with self-love, walks such a man.

Inertia and stuck on the feeling, thoughts, business lead to the fact that the work often manifests itself in excessive detail, increased accuracy, although something nearby that did not fall within the scope of attention of the stuck individual, may not be paid attention at all. For example, very carefully, in detail and for a long time the cleaning of the desktop is carried out. On the shelves, carefully, with an insight into the smallest details unfolded paper and books.

As we can see from our example, work with people at the head with a stuck character does not get along very well. And here the arrangement of shop, giving it internally organized kind to such person it is possible to charge (if putting in order it again will not be excessively terrorized associates). It should be borne in mind that due to inertia he may abuse his power somewhat.

A person of such character is negatively affected by monotonous traumatization by some circumstances or constant conditions causing negative emotions. Accumulation of negative feelings, which not only persist but also summed up, can lead to an explosion.

A person expresses his or her anger by not controlling himself or herself well. Extreme situations can lead to extreme aggressiveness. Positive emotions associated, for example, with success, lead to the fact that a person is "dizzy with success", he "carries", he is uncritically satisfied with himself.