The last participant was already standing next to the retinue, noisy, numerous, colorful, he himself was dressed in a red camisole embroidered with gold, so bright that he could argue with the poppies in color, in the center of the camisole sparkled a huge brooch, immediately attracting attention. He was younger than the river kings and southern kings, but clearly older than Prince Jamie, and in all his appearance read endless confidence in himself and his powers. Like the king of the Riverlands, he had a mustache and a small beard that made him look a little older, and he took a quick look at Charles and took a step towards him, taking advantage of the fact that the prince was there to push back the previous participant.
- The King of the Western lands, Anthony Stark, - he introduced himself, grabbing Charles by the hand and kissing her quite demonstratively, keeping the prince from escaping. - Glad to fight for you, mon cher.
- I'm afraid you will get nothing from me even if you win absolutely, - Charles pierced, taking his hand away and walking back quickly.
Next to him immediately arose his father, pale from what he saw, he confidently pushed the prince for himself, briefly greeting the participants, immediately escorting them to the exit from the hall. The ceremony ended quickly, wrapped up in just a minute - the elder Xavier was afraid that his son's patience would burst, and then the scandal would certainly not pass. Charles slowly breathed in and out, rubbing his hand and not without difficulty calming down. Even without turning around, the prince felt the familiar smell of incense, and Sebastian's voice did not come as a surprise to him.
- It's a long evening ahead, my prince, and you need to rest.
- Yes, you're right, - Charles nodded, tired of rubbing his nose. - I'll go lie down and if Hank comes back early - send him to me, I need to talk to him.
The king's advisor just squeaked his teeth again, seeing Xavier off with a greedy look, hoping to offer him some wine to calm his mind, and then... Now he had six more opponents, and Shaw understood by their faces how desirable the young prince was, how charming he was to each of the participants of the Tournament, not only for his appearance but also for his bold character, guessing at the first glance. And in the evening there will be a feast with gifts... But night always comes after evening. Sebastian smiled a little.
Hank came in without knocking, he was the rarest man in the palace who could afford it. Of course, with witnesses, they behaved according to all the rules and decency, but in private Sir McCoy was just the best friend of the Prince of the Central Lands, the same friend who considered it his duty to look after the overly curious and impulsive heir to the crown.
- And where are you, Highness? - Hank closed the door behind him as he passed through the prince's bedroom, wrapped around the screen, and found him in bed.
Charles finally threw off that horrible camisole and now, as he had been in his pants and shirt, he was lying on top of the bedspread, pulling off his ribbon. His hair stretched over his pillow, and the prince himself looked up, outstretched his arms to the side, expressing the tragedy of the situation with all his posture. Hank snapped, pouring a little water from the decanter into his glass - the prince was not allowed to drink wine, so unlike the royal chambers, there was anything but alcohol.
- The king said that you were behaving inappropriately.
- But the king isn't here, - Xavier turned over on his stomach, hugging the pillow. - Were you there?
- Yes, from the very beginning, - McCoy sat on the edge of the bed, holding a glass in his hands.
Their fathers were good friends, and the McCoy family were the most loyal subjects of the crown, but Hank's mother had escaped with a knight from the Western Lands, leaving the wife of one, and then, unfortunately, he died by ridiculous accident: the horse was unsuccessfully thrown off, and the older McCoy simply had no chance of surviving a broken neck. So the king took a very young, five-year-old Hank to the palace, and he and Charles literally grew up together, but now the prince had no closer friend than he did, McCoy he thought was a brother.
- I don't want to be a part of it, - the prince's voice sounded muffled because of the pillow.
- And I wouldn't want any of them to take you away from us, - Hank sighed heavily. - But there are rules and laws we can't influence.
To Be Continued...