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Tropics and subtropics

Tropics and climatic zone square measure climatic zones that have some variations from one another. Per the geographical classification of the tropics, they belong to the most belts, whereas the climatic zone belongs to the transition belts. The overall characteristics of those latitudes, soils and climate are mentioned below.


Soil Tropics.

In the tropics, the season is year-round, with 3 harvests per annum of various crops. Seasonal fluctuations in soil temperature square measure insignificant. Soils square measure heat throughout the year. The land is additionally terribly obsessed with rain, with full oozing throughout the season and powerful drying throughout the time of year.

Farming within the tropics is incredibly low. Solely concerning V-day of the lands with red-brown, red-brown and flood plain soils are developed.

The most agricultural crops of this territory:

sugar cane.

Their square measure many styles of soils during this climate:

Soils in wet forests;
Shrub and dry forest soils;
soils of climatic zone steppes;
soils of climatic zone deserts.
The soil of the territory depends on the number of precipitation. Krasnozems square measure a typical form of the soil of the wet climatic zone. Soil of wet climatic zone forests is poor in the element and a few components. Below dry forests and shrubs there square measure brown soils. In these areas from Nov to March there're heaps of precipitation, and in summer - little. This incorporates a vital impact on soil formation. Such soils square measure extremely fertile, they're used for culture, cultivation of olive and fruit trees.

Climate Tropics.

The territory of the tropics is found between the equatorial line and therefore the parallel, akin to the latitude of twenty-three.5 degrees. The climate within the zone is boiling because the Sun shows its most activity here.

The tropics have high gas pressure, thus precipitation here is incredibly rare, not for nothing here square measure the Libyan Desert and the Sahara Desert. however, not all tropical territories square measure dry, there also are wet territories, they're placed incontinent and East Asia. The climate of the tropics is kind of heat in winter. Average temperature in hot seasons of the year is up to 30⁰С, in winter — twelve degrees. Most air temperatures will reach up to fifty degrees.


The area is characterized by a lot of moderate temperatures. The climatic zone climate provides the foremost comfy conditions for human action. Per the earth science of the climatic zone square measure placed between the tropics at a latitude between 30-45 degrees. The territory differs from the tropics in this it's cooler, however not colder in winter.

The average annual temperature is concerning fourteen degrees urbanologist. In summer — from twenty degrees, in winter — from four. Winter is temperate, very cheap temperature doesn't fall below zero degrees, though generally, it's attainable to freeze to -10...-15⁰ With.

Zone Characteristics
Interesting facts concerning the tropics and subtropics:
The climate of the climatic zone in summer depends on the nice and cozy air lots of the tropics, and in winter on cool air flows from temperate latitudes.
Archaeologists have established that the climatic zone square measures the cradle of human origin. Ancient civilizations developed on the territory of those lands.
Subtropical climate is incredibly various, in some areas arid desert climate, in others — monsoon rains occur throughout the seasons.
Forests within the tropics occupy concerning two of the world's surface, however, they're home to quite five-hundredths of the Earth's plants and animals.
The tropics support the world's offer of drinkable.
Every second a bit of rain forest equal in size to a gridiron disappears from the face of the planet.

Tropics and climatic zone square measure hot areas of our planet. These square measures are home to an oversized range of plants, trees and flowers. The territories of those climatic zones square measure terribly intensive, in order that they disagree with one another. Placed within the same climatic space, soils are often each fertile and extremely low-fertile. As compared with the cold areas of our planet, like the Arctic plain and forest plain, the zone of the climatic zone and tropics is best fitted to human action, copy of animals and plants.