Walnut could be a tree that offers North American nation beauty, abundance, health, wealth. This can be caloric food, medicine, similarly as furnishings, building materials, paints, dyes, skincare products, and others. The utility of walnut for the physical body is plain. Mature fruit could be a terrific alimentary product containing up to 40-80% fats, 18-20% proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins of A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, P, PP, K, minerals (potassium, iron, iodine). Walnut inexperienced, milk maturity is characterized by an upscale set of amino acids, among them there are essential, that doesn't seem to be synthesized within the body and are available solely with protein food.
Composition of ripe walnut and milk maturity
- Walnut kernel fat is described by low-molecular and high-molecular acids. In terms of nourishing price, they surpass wheat bread by three, potatoes by seven, cow's milk by ten, apples by fifteen times. One hundred g of nut kernels contain 612-850 calories, that is up to the caloric price of butter.
The nutritional price of fruits, their utility is principally determined by the stage of their maturity.
- Thus, throughout the drinkable and wax stage, they're made in water-soluble vitamin, alkaloids, iodine, amino acids, and mature - fats.
- It is not a secret that the number of water-soluble vitamins, that contains the fruits of walnut milk maturity reaches 3000-5000 mg, which is 75-100 times over in lemons and oranges. And also the quantity of water-soluble vitamin depends on the expansion zone. It's troublesome to not estimate such a profit for the physical body.
What precisely is that the profit, what are the made walnuts growing within the Kuban?
Scientists have studied the organic chemistry quality of 5 forms of walnut inexperienced (stage of milk-wax ripeness) and sixteen - mature.
- In the dairy farm and wax stage of maturity, the fruits contain concerning ten.6-13.4% of total solids, among that half-dozen.5-7.0% ar soluble. Most of the solids ar sugars - three.6%. Acids ar described by lemon and apple acids, at the extent of one.17-1.43%.
- The content of cellulose substances reaches one.0-1.2%. The mineral composition is described by salts (in mg): metal - 180-220, metal - 60-100, iron - 1,60-3,30, iodine - ,20,25, phosphorus 15-20. Of explicit interest is that the assessment of inexperienced nut fruits fully grown within the Kuban, the content of vitamins C and P.
- As some authors claim, walnut growing within the Kuban contains water-soluble vitamin is away but the fruits of nut trees growing northward. Thus, the utmost quantity of ascorbic acid in the Kuban dotty reaches 1496 mg - within the selection sweet, 1337 mg - within the selection Elegant, that is way under in walnuts of a similar maturity stage, growing in Transcarpathia (3000-5000 mg). So, if you purchase a healthy delicacy on the market, raise wherever it comes from and from that region it had been brought. If you've got a selection - opt for Zakarpattya.
- What are the advantages of spring inexperienced walnuts? ascorbic acid accumulation in fruits, seed vessel, and walnut leaves step by step will increase and reaches its most price reckoning on weather by the tip of might, starting of Gregorian calendar month. Throughout this era, leaves contain four hundred mg, a water-soluble vitamin, immature fruit - 1380 mg, mature seed vessel - 985 mg.
- The content of vitamin P varies from 181 mg you have to 250 mg nada, and also the greatest accumulation is characteristic of types Harvest, Dessert, Elegant. The littlest quantity of P-active substances is noted within the forms of Shrovetide nut, Five-Year-Old (181.0-185.0 mg).
- Taking into consideration such diversity of the chemical composition of walnut fruit, determined by the stage of maturity, it's troublesome even to see after they are richer in helpful biologically active substances, have the best biological process price, once its advantages are greatest.
How to verify the degree of maturity of walnuts
- What reasonably walnut is ripe? however does one recognize if it's ripe? The maturity of walnut isn't determined once shopping for it in a very look or market. It's determined at harvest.
- Mature walnuts don't tear from a tree, however, look forward to them to fall to the bottom. The initial amount of maturation is decided by the state of the outer inexperienced shell. Once the nut starts to ripen, the inexperienced shell burst. It still hangs on a tree for a short time. Then the shell gets darker and at last, the nut falls to the bottom. It's already mature, fully or part free from the outer shell. This relies on the range, wherever the walnut grows in late summer and early time of year.