The process of breathing is a reflection of the principle of rhythm by which the whole universe develops. Exhalation and inhalation, winter and summer, night and morning, sleep and awakening, make up the dual pairs of eternity. Along with this, the chakra – not that other, as the key to the comic soul of the Universe. Cukrowego because the practice of breathing in one form or another is found in different traditions and is considered sacred.
Breathing is a condition of being, because life cannot exist outside of its dynamics. And awareness turns this process from an unconscious reflex into a method of controlling one's own energy structure. Chakra breathing is able to adjust all layers of the human soul with the harmonious rhythms of the universe. This attunement helps to heal and resolve conflicts and problems by eliminating their energetic cause, not just the effect.
Chakra breathing: for what?
The practice of chakra breathing is aimed at helping a person in natural bioenergetic processes. Any disharmony: stress, fatigue, mental overstrain bring down the initially harmonious state of the human energy structure, becoming infected with negative programs. Over time, the energy structure is able to gradually return to its original state, but conscious action can make the process of harmonization much faster and more effective.
Chakra breathing is based on conscious repetition of inhalation-exhalation cycles together with visualization of the corresponding processes on the energy plane. The most conducive atmosphere to perform is a quiet place where no one will distract and disturb. This practice requires solitude and slowness. It can be performed in any comfortable position: sitting or standing.
Stage 1-Catch the balance
The practice is recommended to start with the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, because it is the center of balance and harmony. Focus on the center of your chest, but don't strain. Relax, calm your thoughts and start chakra breathing. As you inhale, imagine the Golden warm radiance from the surrounding space funnel drawn into your heart center, filling it. As you exhale, imagine the spent energy escaping through the release of voltage and dissolving into space. This radiance from the outside is healing, it is the primordial energy of life that nourishes all living things.
On the inhale there is an accumulation of Golden energy, healing, healing, regeneration, and return to the spiritual purity and awakening unconditional love and gratitude.
On an exhalation-dissolution of anxieties and fears, forgiveness, release of old attachments, dispersion of negative emotions, distribution of Golden energy of life on all body.
Stage 2-putting down roots
The root chakra of Muladhara, as it is called, is located in the region of the sacrum. Its energy vector looks perpendicular all the rest of the. As the air enters the lungs, the energy of the Mula rises in a vertical upward flow, along the line of the spine. On the exhalation there is a release of tension from the entire physical body through this chakra.
On the exhalation there are processes of grounding, root germination, getting rid of uncertainty, anger, fear, anger and weakness.
On an inspiration: filling with physical force and power, acquisition of confidence, stability, self-control and support .
Stage 3-being Filled with charisma
The astral chakra of Swadhistan is two fingers below the navel. This is the area of emotions and pleasures. Among other things, the chakra breathing of Swadhistan is the practice of increasing the level of charisma and attractiveness, which is strongly reflected in the communicative sphere, as well as in the sphere of relations with the opposite sex.
As you inhale, fill the chakra with light. So is happening nutrition charisma, development sexuality and flexibility, the formation motive manifestations of a stark individuality, development emotional sustainability.
On the exhalation, the released energy comes out as an outgoing flow and dissolves in the energy Bank of the Universe. There is a reset of disharmonious experiences, feelings of dissatisfaction, lust, uncontrollable attraction, bad habits.
Stage 4-Pump the will
The center of the will is located in the solar plexus and at this stage of chakra breathing the practitioner gets rid of ambition and pride, strengthens the sphere of control and management of his own consciousness.
On an exhalation: we get rid of the destructive energies generated by thirst of the power and money, we humble pride and ambition.
On an inspiration: we are filled with a sense of dignity and respect for ourselves and the world, we give tone to readiness to act and make strong-willed efforts.
Stage 5 - and back to the heart level
Climbing higher, again you get to the heart chakra. Repeat here several cycles breathing and continue to the next phase.
Stage 6-Opening up to creativity
The next center is located in the region of the thyroid gland. Chakra breathing Vishuddha affects the development of speech and self-expression. Creativity and the word are the two main areas at this stage of practice.
On the exhale-get rid of the interference of the unspoken, awaken the voice. Everything that caused an emotional outburst, but did not manifest itself in the word: resentment, anger, indignation, prohibition, hidden feelings — leave a mark on the energy layer of the soul, causing consequences and physics. This stage of practice will help to remove the blocks from the throat and open the channel of self-expression.
On an inspiration-we fill the throat area with light of healing, we feed on inspiration, we influence the channel of oral speech and communications, we open to impulses of creativity.
Take a few breaths in and out through Vishuddha and move on to the next stage of chakra breathing.
Step 7 – Awaken your intuition
This stage can be useful for philosophers and mystics who comprehend the secret knowledge. This center is the key to the door of the world beyond. Plato called it the world of Ideas which every soul contemplates before it is born.
As you inhale, draw in the energy of light in a spiral. This pure intuitive knowledge opens up new facets of reality for you. Your intuitive mind awakens, and the sacred truths of the universe become available to you. You become capable of inner vision of the subtle reality.
As you exhale, feel relaxation in your mind. Obsessive thoughts leave the mind, only pure silent Truth remains, and you contemplate it through your existence. All unsolved problems become unimportant and dissolve. You are United with the fiery logos, the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe.