In Russia, by the beginning of this century, some species of animals (bison, river beaver, sable, emarginal, kulan) had become rare, so reserves were established to protect and reproduce them. This made it possible to restore the bison population and increase the number of Amur tigers and polar bears.
However, in recent years the animal world has been negatively affected by excessive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture, pollution of the oceans and other anthropogenic factors. For example, in Sweden, the use of pesticides has led to the death of birds of prey (peregrine falcon, kestrel, white-tailed eagle, eagle owl), larks, rooks, pheasants, partridges, etc.).
A similar picture is observed in many Western European countries. Therefore, with the increasing anthropogenic load, many animal species need further protection and reproduction.
The impact on the Earth's crust - man began to interfere in the life of the Earth's crust, being a powerful relief-forming factor. Technogenic forms of relief appeared on the earth's surface: ramparts, excavations, hillocks, quarries, trenches, embankments, waste heaps, etc. Cases of buckling of the Earth's crust under large cities and reservoirs have been noted, the latter in mountainous areas have led to an increase in natural seismicity.
Examples of such artificial earthquakes, which were caused by the filling of large reservoir troughs with water, are available in California, USA, on the peninsula of Hindustan. This type of earthquake is well studied in Tajikistan with the example of the Nukera reservoir. Sometimes earthquakes can be caused by pumping or pumping out waste water with harmful impurities deep underground, as well as intensive oil and gas production from large fields (USA, California, Mexico).
Mining has the greatest impact on the earth's surface and subsoil, especially in open-pit mining. As noted above, this method removes significant areas of land, there is environmental pollution by various toxicants (especially heavy metals).
Local bends of the Earth's crust in the areas of coal mining are known in the Silesian region of Poland, in Great Britain, in the USA, Japan, etc. A man changes the composition of the Earth's crust geochemically, extracting lead, chromium, manganese, copper, cadmium, molybdenum, etc. in huge quantities.
Anthropogenic changes in the earth's surface are also associated with the construction of large hydraulic structures. By 1988, more than 360 dams (150-300 m high) had been built all over the world, 37 of them in our country. The total impact of the weight of the dams, as well as the processes of leaching leads to significant settlement of their bases with the formation of cracks (cracks of up to 20 m in the base of the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP are noted). The major part of the Perm region settles annually by 7 mm, as the bowl of the Kama reservoir presses on the Earth's crust with great force. The maximum values and rates of drawdown of the earth's surface caused by the filling of reservoirs are much lower than during oil and gas production, when large pumping of groundwater is carried out.
To be continued in the next part