“If the technology of the XX century was created in the middle of the century, the technological basis of the XXI century has already been born — its torsional technology. If the theory of physical vacuum solved, for example, Bohr's task — “the new physics should include consciousness” — torsion technologies allow finding a way out of all the deadlocks of technocratic development of civilization in the XX century. Torsional technologies cover all spheres of human activity, all branches of economy, medicine, science, art, life. The beginning of the third millennium will be marked by the dominance of torsional technologies”: — A.E. Akimov, a leading Russian scientist in the field of torsional research. Physical science, which studies the simplest and most general regularities of nature, deals with only four fundamental interactions. Each interaction has its own theories.
Preference is given to concepts that can explain the greatest number of heterogeneous effects based on the same first physical principles. Thus, a unified theory of electromagnetic and weak interactions emerged. According to scientific authorities, building a unified field theory of super unification of all four interactions is a matter of the near future.
Against the background of this expected success it seems strange to have a group of experimental data, which cannot be explained by attracting the concepts of the future unified field theory. These data arise not only in physical experiments, but also in chemistry, biology, and medicine. They are particularly well represented by paranormal or psycho physical phenomena. The results of such experiments, as a rule, look fantastic, unreliable. In addition, they are often difficult to reproduce. As a consequence, the scientific environment is polarized on the skeptics, who consider the experiments incorrect and optimists, who note the incompleteness of the most common physical notions of nature. Therefore, the appearance of experimental and theoretical works in physics, which question the old views, looks natural. Experimenters traditionally try to justify the existence of new physical fields and particles, and theorists, as a rule, build models with the expansion of the concepts of space and time and other fundamental categories, which gives new explanatory possibilities.
One of the first attempts to give a unified explanation of the nature of the torsion field was made in the "Physical Vacuum Theory". The creators of this theory proposed to consider that the torsion field is formed by some quantum-mechanical value - a spin, which quantum mechanics endowed with any elementary particle, be it an electron or an atom. If the spins of the elements that make up this or that material form have some predominant direction, they say that the object is polarized. And this form creates a Torsional, Axional or Spinoric field around it - it's like someone likes it.
To avoid this contradiction, quantum mechanics makes an evil decision - to consider the spin as just a quantum-mechanical value, without going deep into its nature. Thus, it is necessary to recognize that an attempt to explain the nature of a mysterious torsional field through even more mysterious spin was obviously unsuccessful. This value only says that something must rotate to produce a torsional field
So what is the cause of the torsional field and what is this Something that gives rise to this field? There is still no clear answer to this question. Isn't there a single lead that can be a barely noticeable tip of an infinite ball of logical causes and consequences? Of course, there is.
As such a lead, one can accept the fact that when matter moves, except for the usual gravitational field, a gravitational field of a special kind appears, which exists only in moving bodies and interacts only with moving bodies. By the analogy of generation and similarity of structure this field has been named gravimagnetic. That is this field of gravitation, generated by motion. Such a name was given to it by the Soviet physicist and mathematician academician A.F. Mitkevich, who described this type of fields by a system of equations similar to the equations of electromagnetic dynamics of Maxwell.
It is inappropriate to completely deny the theory of the existence of torsional fields. A lot of experiments, a lot of arguments and quite a lot of scientists are seriously engaged in the study of torsional fields and on the basis of the conclusions obtained to create new devices and generators for mankind. Proceeding from prospects of development of torsion technologies, it is possible to assume that if mankind can prove completely the existence of fields, in my opinion, there will come a new era not only in science, but also all over the world.