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Sleeping Beauty (scoundrel notes).


May 20, 1835

Madame Zizi’s farewell party was fun and noisy. Regiment officers will have something to remember in my absence. Especially Lieutenant R-sky, when the Buyan wakes up with a burnt mustache.

I’m going to the estate tomorrow morning. After three years of hectic life in the Caucasus, I prepare with longing for village boredom. My father is eager to introduce me to the management of the estate. The stubborn man is used to doing everything himself, while for order it’s enough to chase the manager’s rogue in the tail and mane.

I must admit, I miss my old man. I hope he did not give up too much during our separation. For a week I will please my father with the presence of a heroic son, and then, on a plausible pretext, I will return to the capital. I’ll have fun while I’m young. I’ll take care of economic affairs in twenty years.

Let's drink and have fun

Let life play

Let the blind mob fuss

We are not crazy to imitate.

When a youth is light smoke

Takes away the fun of young days

Then take away from old age

All that is removed from her.

Recently I watched the ball of the great poet. I can’t believe that the venerable father of the family I saw was pretty reverent. In conclusion, do not rush to get married. In youth, only dummies acquire a family. Or dreamers like Repnin. I almost fell off the couch after reading that a year later he was getting married to Anna Dolgoruky, my father’s pupil. It's funny, but Repnin is looking forward to the wedding and reckons his fate is very romantic, for prudent dads have betrothed the children in the cradle. Last summer, Michelle stayed in Dvugorsky and enthusiastically wrote to me about the beauty and grace of his bride. The skinny piggy living in my memories did not look a bit like the beauty she saw, and I grunted, thinking about the blindness of the lovers. I must advise Repnin not to rush to the wedding. Anka is only seventeen. Maybe three years to wait, or even four.

P.S. Do not forget the gifts! A trophy saber - to the father, a Persian shawl - to the nanny Varvara, beads - to the bore of Anka.

22nd of May

Anyone who has not been at home for a long time should get ready for big surprises!

Firstly, I realized with surprise that it was terribly sentimental. Seeing from afar the silhouette of the homestead, the military officer Korf wept like a muscular young lady. The crying warm-up went for the future and, hugging my father, weeping with happiness, I resisted the new salty outpourings.

Secondly, in the estate, everything decreased in size. Dressers have become lower, the seats are narrower. My father, who seemed to me to be a respectable man, turned into a short lean old man. The huge living room looks like a medium-sized room, and the endless garden was limited to five alleys and a cozy greenhouse.

Third and foremost, the new Anna!

Who would have thought that in three years a big-eyed man would turn into an elegant Circe with golden hair? Seeing a seductive beauty, peering amiably from behind my father’s shoulder, I took on a gallant look and was about to introduce myself in all form, but the moved dad sobbed and asked:

- Did you recognize Anechka?

Confused, I said: “Of course,” and instead of kissing the grown-up Nyuta in both cheeks in a family way, I ceremoniously kissed her flirty outstretched palm.

It's funny that I froze in front of an inexperienced baby. However, the whole point is in surprise. At dinner, I behaved relaxed, as always, and entertained with home stories about adventures in the Caucasus.

It is fortunate that I brought Annie beads from turquoise. Just the color of her eyes. No, but what beauty has grown in my house! I envied Repnin. His haste is now clear. Once such a bird flies into the light - and remember what they called.

Perhaps I’ll stay in the village for a month or two.

May 27th

Michelle was mistaken in singing Anna’s angelic meekness. The little cheat pretends to be obedient and twists my father as he wants. The old man fulfills all her desires and honors them with his own. The order of the day, entertainment, the menu for lunch and dinner - everything obeys Anyutin's whims. Even the guest list for the ball, arranged in honor of my arrival, was written by her elegant hand.

I discovered that Anna was well educated for the village young lady and could support any small talk. Father is seriously spending on her upbringing. Several teachers roam the house, diligently teaching the princess languages, singing, dancing, and even horseback riding. Tell me why is the young lady prancing on a horse, like a dashing Cossack? Rather unhurried ride in the saddle.

He insisted that the riding teacher leaves for good health. All day Anna went gloomy and sulked at me, but changed anger to mercy when I offered my services with a humble look.

How pleasant it is to teach the wisdom of the paces a pretty young lady, besides stubborn and deft, like Anyuta. Looking at how gracefully she controls the horse, he could not help expressing the most sincere enthusiasm. The flushed rider listened with pleasure to them. Even the smartest woman is greedy for compliments, and my baby still has a lot to learn.