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Zebra is a wild African horse

Zebra is a wild African horse

Huge herds of zebras run across the vast African savannas. Rhythmically rocked are striped sides and necks with thick UAH. The topot of hooves on dried-up land is heard far into the steppes. Swellable clouds of red dust are visible over many kilometers. Nothing is shy about the freedom of these beautiful wild animals.


And that 's as if on command, zebras slow running and stop. Dry grass begins to be pulled out of the ground with large strong teeth. Zebras are always alert, constantly looking back, listening to sounds and sniffing the air. Suddenly, a lion 's fish brought from somewhere in the wind comes to their ears, and the whole herd is alarmed. These sounds are too familiar to them! Having frozen with grass in teeth and hanging ears, zebras do not break away look where the yoke came from. Realizing that nothing is threatening them, they quietly continue the meal.

When the heat increases, the herd goes back on track. This time it turns towards the river, from which it is pleasantly cool. Zebras stop on the high shore and look closely into the slowly flowing brown water, snoring and hitting hooves on dry ground. They are hesitant to go down to the river, knowing that there may be danger under its serene smoothness. But thirst overcomes fear, and the brave ones begin to move forward. A little more - and they 're already by the river. After drinking cool water, they return back to the savannah.

In the evening, the herd is slowly delirious on the swollen steppe. A truly beautiful picture: black silhouettes of zebras against the background of a bagging African sunset!

Striped Families

The life of zebras is not diverse. In search of food and water, they are constantly travelling from place to place. Pasted on the plains of the zebra look clean and knuckled, the striped skin tight their muscular bodies. There are no more strips like them in any of the animals. Some even claim that there are no strips of the same pattern. Thanks to them, the zebra is very distinct among other steppe inhabitants. Its colour is beautiful and unusual, just like Africa itself.

The zebras have a very strongly developed sense of familiality. Some form strong alliances that sometimes last a lifetime. Although the herd may consist of thousands of heads, it is divided into small family groups of stallion and its harem. The roles in these groups are strictly delimited. Where the family will go, decides the older female. It goes first, and it is followed by other females and young by seniority. But, in fact, the head always remains the stallion. If he wants to change direction, he approaches the older female and pushes her to turn in the right direction.

Zebras are very pure, and it is often possible to see them cowering about each other with sides or cleaning each other shoulders, back and UAH. Such "bath services" seem to strengthen relations in the family very much. The stallions start to learn to be clean when they are only a few days old. If no one in the family can help with cleaning, the zebra rolls in the dust, stray about the tree, termite nest or something else twe

Fast and graceful

Those who have only seen giraffes at the zoo, where they hatch heads out of cages, find it hard to imagine how beautiful and graceful they are at large - in the African bush. Giraffes move gracefully and smoothly. When they run a gallop through open meadows, they look so graceful, almost fragile, that it seems as if, having met any, even the smallest, obstacle in the way, they will stumble and fall. But it 's not. A large giraffe male, whose weight can reach 1,300 kilograms, stands firmly on his feet and runs perfectly, developing a speed of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

These charming creatures live only in Africa. Giraffes are very good-natured and peaceful, so it 's nice to watch them. The giraffe 's head is crowned with long narrow ears and small horns with black velvet brushes at the ends, and its face can be called unique and even charming. The giraffe has very large, dark eyes with long, upwardly bent eyelashes. When a giraffe looks far from the height of his height, his face gains an expression of curious naivety.

In ancient times, giraffes were loved and valued for their attractive appearance, as well as timid, quiet, non-aggressive behavior. Young giraffes were given to rulers and kings as a sign of peace and good intentions. Bladed images of giraffes can be found in ancient rock drawings in Africa today.