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Fundamentals of USA energy supply (Part 1)

Photo from https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/09/05/15/52/usa-1646896_960_720.jpg
Photo from https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/09/05/15/52/usa-1646896_960_720.jpg

In its claim to undivided rule, the United States pursues a global dictatorship policy based on its geopolitical, economic, military, social and cultural power.

The United States is in many ways the world's leading power. According to the Institute of the United States and Canada, despite the difficulties, the American economy dominates the world.

In the last ten years, the latest information technologies have been the driving force. The average growth rate of the American GDP was 3.6% per year, one and a half times higher than the growth rate of the world economy. The United States is well ahead of its competitors such as Germany and Japan. The annual growth of domestic investment in the United States reached 7%, while it did not exceed 3% for the world as a whole. At the same time, the US has become the main market for foreign investment. At the end of the 1990s, the US market absorbed over 30% of global foreign investment. Thus, the US accounted for 45% of world market capitalization, twice as much as the US share of global GDP.

Five of the ten largest transnational corporations are based in America. The dollar dominates the financial markets. "When a cough on Wall Street sets in, European stock exchanges start to ignite their lungs," is a banal phrase among brokers in Frankfurt and London.

President Bush, Jr. Bush has made the biggest tax cuts in American history that, according to the leaders of the current government, will stimulate long-term economic growth. The annual per capita income is 36,500 dollars.

The Pentagon's budget will grow by nearly $100 billion in two years. The current government is working to increase military spending to 4% of GDP. In the second half of this decade, this figure could rise to 4.5% of GDP.

US military spending, which was $260 billion in 1998, will reach nearly $400 billion in fiscal 2003. As a result, the situation in world history is unprecedented. Today, US military spending accounts for 40 percent of global defense spending. Even higher is the American share in global arms procurement (about 65%) and in military research and development (about 75%).

The military seizure of power by the USA offers it major political (diplomatic), economic, technological (due to the development of dual-use technologies), social and other advantages.

The United States is the only country in the world capable of carrying out global military intervention. America has military bases in more than 30 countries. The Pentagon maintains 100,000 soldiers in Europe and the Far East and has 50,000 soldiers stationed in the Middle East and Central Asia. These troops are supported by mobile aviation and naval forces. In addition, the U.S. Army's major forces in the U.S. can be used to build large-scale warfare forces in any part of the world.

Due to its overwhelming military superiority, the U.S. is able to destroy the enemy's military, economic, and political objectives even in unilateral action, regardless of the position of its allies.

If the Pentagon spends $28,000 per soldier on research and development of military technology, this figure is four times lower for the European Union. It is therefore not surprising that the United States has not asked the European opinion on the resolution of military conflicts for a long time,

Science and research are at a level that Europe can only dream of in the United States. Over the past 50 years, Americans have received 66 Nobel Prizes for their work in physics, 68 in medicine and 42 in chemistry.

The superiority of information technologies makes it possible to equip the American armed forces with high-precision non-nuclear weapons.

During the 2001 autumn campaign in Afghanistan, new weapons systems played a decisive role in combat operations. This has avoided the participation of large groups of US troops in large ground operations and minimized the number of casualties in the USA.

The USA also took a leading position in the field of culture. American books, films and television series filled the world cultural space.

To be continued ...