Chapter 5
Ball, ball, ball, ball!
So, for the majority of participants of the trial will start only tomorrow, and I already had one of them today - the royal ball. No, like a true princess, I loved and could dance. But as a partner, not a partner. What kind of gentleman am I? Given that some ladies I will breathe somewhere in the décolleté zone. I can be blamed on the age, of course, but against the background of the other lords, I looked not weak - long live the illusion! - But not so impressive.
Alas, it is impossible to refuse. Fortunately, I had a costume for the ball. I don't know how Ari managed to get so many clothes, but I was sincerely grateful to my cousin. And I should have said a few words to her. At the same time, in the dance, so that no one would think too much.
The ball started at five. Exactly at half-past five, I started dressing up. Of course, without the help of servants, although I was put in two. It wasn't enough for someone to suspect I was a girl. I wore a snow-white jabot shirt and a purple frak. I combed my hair in a straight line. In the mirror, there was a lovely young man, who almost didn't remind me of the real me. Well, go have fun, Lord Carnell. When else will there be a chance to lead in dancing?
The servants waited at the door and took me to the big ballroom. When I was little, I loved this room! Huge for a tiny girl, it seemed fabulous and majestic. What is it there! Even as I grew up, I continued to admire the mirror walls, the gilded, crystal chandelier for a thousand lamps, and most importantly, the parquet, which was created for the palace by the best craftsmen of the Ivyrian mountains. At first glance, it seemed golden. But as soon as you stepped on it, silver sparks ran from under your feet on the parquet, forming bizarre patterns. The master of ceremonies made my name public, and I crossed the threshold.
Most of the Superior ones were already here. And most importantly, there were hundreds of other guests. I was too late to think that, as in the morning, someone might recognize me. But Cavernel was never in the capital, so the risk is minimal. I ordered myself to calm down. It's all right, Elisa. Keep your head calm and you will definitely manage.
I showed up on time because it didn't even take a couple of minutes before the royal couple entered the hall - this time in full strength. Mom was always considered one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, and today she surpassed herself. The dress with shimmering golden threads emphasized the sharpened figure, the face seemed to descend from the paintings of the best painters - the perfect curve of the lips, a small nose, the bend of eyebrows, deep nut eyes. And I went to my daddy with my appearance. No, my father was also a handsome man, but I always wanted to enter the hall at least once - and to make everyone annul, as now, looking at my mother. Dreams, dreams...
The king and queen were supposed to open the ball, and I wondered who the princess would dance with.
- My daughter, I hope you will choose your partner for the first dance of the High Lords," my father graciously said.
Ari sat down gratefully in a curtain and came to us. The lords, as if on command, were smiling, ready to embrace the princess any minute, and I remembered the conversation at lunch and thought how much I wanted them to slip on the floor. Everyone who made a greasy joke about me.
Ari walked along with the candidates for their husbands. Her face was lit up with a friendly smile. I looked carefully at Reniard. You shouldn't draw attention to yourself from the very first dance.
The princess froze in front of Aidan. He bowed down and extended his hand to her, and Lord Liverani, who stood next to me, cut his teeth. The music was playing. The two couples spun around the room, then diverging, then converging again. Soon, according to tradition, the others joined them. Only I wasn't in a hurry to invite anyone. The first dance, perhaps, I will miss and drink a little light wine. However, I did not have time to completely dry the glass - Lord Cherian Laherney appeared next to me.
- Don't you like balls, Elias? - He asked.
- Not really," I said evasively, thinking about what that pretty boy needed from me. - I see you don't dance either?
- With whom, if Her Highness chose Ayordan? What short-sightedness!
- Why not?" I asked. The conversation was getting interesting.
- Because the disgraced lord is the worst version of the ruler for Aldon. Elise was eighteen years old, she must understand that. Yes, he had an image of a mysterious, dark type. Girls like that. It seems to them, it is necessary to take a step towards - and before them, the rich inner world of the chosen one will open up. Alas, in the case of Ayordan, the Princess will unfold huge debts of his family, which the Lord will gladly pay at the expense of the royal treasury.
- You are biased against him. - I tried to speak calmly.
- Perhaps. Or maybe not. I have noticed that you are too friendly with Ayordan. Because of your youth, I want to warn you, be careful, Elias. There are friends who replace all enemies.
- Thank you, Kirian. - I have decided that I too have the right to call the Lord by name. - But I prefer to create an opinion about people after communicating with them, rather than on the basis of rumors.
- Well, it's up to you.
And Laernie dissolved among the ball guests. And I suddenly felt so lonely in the crowd that I wanted to disappear as if I wasn't there. Alas, for a princess to disappear, it was an impermissible luxury, even though I was trying to prove otherwise. I ran away and my friend was paying the price. Everything is interconnected.
But the music was quiet. It's time to invite the princess to the next dance. But I wasn't the only one who thought about it, and I was pushed back by a crowd of people who wanted Elisa's attention. The lords surrounded the princess, but Ari was spinning around looking for someone. Me. I also screwed myself into the crowd and offered her a hand.
- Would you do me the honor, Your Highness? - I asked, trying to cover the general hum.