I haven't forgotten Perseus, his patrons, Athena Pallada and Hermes. He made rich sacrifices to them. And in the royal palace everything is ready for a merry wedding. Eros and Hymen, the eternal companions of the lovers, flew in from Olympus on their light wings. They flutter merrily and joyfully among the flowers and garlands.
A lot of guests gathered in the palace of Kefey, and people all fit and fit. Everybody would like to congratulate the young people and look at the young hero, who fought so bravely against the monster and saved them all from imminent death.
But suddenly, in the midst of a wedding feast at the entrance, someone's bellicose shouts were heard and a formidable ringing of arms was heard. A large army headed by Finney, Andromeda's first fiancé, burst into the hall. Shaking a spear, he went to Perseus and shouted angrily:
- There you were, the bride kidnapper. You're not going to make it easy for you now. Neither your winged sandals, nor even the Thunderer himself, will save you!
Feiney waved a spear and wanted to throw it at Perseus, but then Kefeus jumped up from his seat and stood in front of them.
- At last you showed up, brave Feeney," he exclaimed angrily.
- Who do you call the bride kidnapper? This beautiful young man who saved my daughter from death? No, he did not kidnap her from you. She was kidnapped when she was chained to a rock. Then why didn't you come to her aid and save her? Why did you only now appear and shake your spear bravely when the danger was over? You have no right to it now. She is Perseus' wife. He deserved this reward.
Feiney answered Cephieus as if he hadn't heard him and looked at the beautiful young man with hatred. Suddenly he got tense and threw a spear at Perseus with force. Even the air rang from his swift flight, and the spear stuck in Perseus' box. Perseus jumped up in fury, ripped out the spear, and threw it back into Phineas. But it flew by. Feeney managed to hide behind the altar. The spear hit the head of Reth's hero.
Two sides grabbed each other in a fierce battle. Spears flew in, swords sparkled, and loud screams filled the hall, where merry wedding hymns were just being distributed. She rushed quickly from Olympus Athena Pallada to help her brother Perseus. She breathed into him an invincible power and covered him with her powerful, invisible armor.
Like a formidable fierce lion, Perseus fights, the deadly sword of Hermes sparkles in his hand. The warriors of Phoeney, who were battled to death, fall in all directions from him. But there are a lot of them, and they are new formidable waves over and over again rolled on the young hero. Perseus is a stranger in this country, and he has few supporters in this deadly battle. One after the other they fall, battled by the ruthless warriors of Phineas. The singer's head is already drowning, only recently he has been enjoying the guests' hearing with wonderful music. As he fell, he touched the strings of his kifara, and she rang sadly, mourning his death. But no one heard her complaining sound, he was muffled by the fierce sound of swords and the groans of the dying.
Already alone fighting the young son of Danaë, he feels that he does not have the strength to hold back the onslaught of his enemies for a short time. Then he grabbed his magic shoulder bag and pulled the head of a terrible gorgon out of it.
- You yourself are to blame for your death," the mighty Perseus shouted, "my enemy, whom I defeated, will now help me defeat you. Turn your back on everyone who is my friend.
He raised the gorgon's head high, and then all the warriors who attacked Perseus froze on the spot and turned into marble statues. One froze, swinging his sword, the other with a sharp spear in his hand, and the third covered himself with a shield. The whole hall was filled with marble statues. Feiney looks around in horror. He was left alone with Perseus, but he could not fight anymore, the horror shook him, and his hands trembled with fear. Feiney fell to his knees in front of the young hero:
- You won, Perseus! Please hide this terrible head of Medusa. Take everything I have, take all my kingdom, leave only my life.
Perseus turned his back on the shaking Phineas and answered him with mockery:
- Don't be afraid, you cowardly dog! Your head will not fall off my sword. I will give you another reward. You will always stand here in this room, so that my wife may be comforted by her first fiancé.
Perseus pulled out Medusa's head again and reached out to Phineas. No matter how much Finey turned around, no matter how hard he tried not to look at the terrible head, but still looked at it and immediately turned into a marble statue.
So Finey remained in this room forever, and he knelt down on his knees, stretching out his hands forward, with an expression of horror and slavish pleading.