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Trout fishing


In addition to being a very beautiful fishing and in contact with nature, trout fishing has developed a lot and together with the basic techniques, has given life to new techniques exciting and very rewarding (which we will see later as spinning or touch or Trout Lake).

First of all, let's talk about environments.

Fishing environment, where we find trout

Trout is a very cunning and intelligent fish, always has its own shelter, and waits for the best time to go hunting for food. Trout is also very very wary ... so very difficult to catch, let's be careful not to make noise in our search for fish.

The best points are the shelters behind the rocks where the Trout could be stationed, even if the boulders have not emerged you can always notice their presence by scouring your fishing area well. The Trout goes hunting and then you can meet it everywhere; but, in principle, the trout hides behind the stones and in the places where the water is most oxygenated in the classic white foam.


Trout spinning

The artificial ones that are used for spinning fishing, are the sinking minnow or rapala and teaspoons.

If we fish in the stream and this is small and the short holes, it is indispensable a rotary that starts to act as soon as you touch the water, we use both Martin and Meps, the stronger the current and the smaller the scoop must be and the greater the weight.

In many cases we also use minnow from 3 to 6 millimeters, whether leaded or floating depends on the type and strength of the water.

A tip is to carry with you light colored Sickles, it can be the trump card, you can mount directly on the appropriate leaded heads or on a special hook and then plunge the fishing line at 40-50 centimeters away. This way they work more naturally.

If we fish in the river, it's worth the same thing, but we'll have a better chance of making fun of all our artificial ones.

Teaspoons of silver color are used in winter and spring, and teaspoons of gold and bronze color are used in summer. The weight is around 2 grams and are preferable those with the Oval leaf scoop rather than olive leaf.

I love fishing with Martin from the six red and yellow, that always give me a nice advantage, or Meps and Spark of the Ilba; for the rapala, the ones you use the most are the ones with the natural color type, green, light blue, or black, sometimes combined, are also useful in the type of “ugly duckling to a very small size.

Fishing rods, reels and wires

The reeds used are small especially in torrent from 1.50 up to 2.10 meters, with reels from 1000 to 2500 and wires not more than 0.20. We do not recommend braiding in torrent, better a monofilament without memory and with high breaking load. Then everyone has their own preferences that come out of the experience.

Deep-sea fishing with dead fish

The baits most commonly used in deep-sea fishing are earthworm and dead fish.

The earthworm

In the fishing with earthworms it is carried out the classic fishing to the touch, using the earthworms of Earth and using one or two splits (lead) to approximately 25 centimeters from the hook that will be of the number 5 with nylon of the 18-20. In the event that the water is cloudy, it is advisable to use polystyrene.


The dead fish

Fishing with dead fish is definitely fishing which, if done properly, gives the best results. The fish that are most used are sanguinarole and vairones. The trigger of the vivo is done using a hook of the 4 and inserting it first into the upper lip and then into the lower lip.

Deep fishing with worm

It is the classic Touch Fishing (read also the complete technique for trout Touch Fishing)

More used also in the river Sarca which is the River from which Garda is formed.

The line is very simple: using a nylon net of 18 (to be more sporting you can also use smaller sizes), you will use the lead weights called spaccatine (the number depends on the fishing zone, usually not more than two) and about 40 centimeters, it will bind the love of the n° 5 (or ami smaller for the use of 2 or 3 worms at a time).

The triggering of the worm should be done in a way that sticks out just the tip of the hook; if the earthworm is small, he sticks his worm from the head down in the body to release the tip near the tail of the worm; but if it is great he sticks his worm starting more down compared to the head (near the ring of the worm), taking care not to let out too much the tail of the worm because you would have the risk that the trout eat it alone without having to be attached to the hook. One tip is to thread the worm even along the nylon over the hook scoop.

For a successful fishing we will try to get to the trout first the worm that leads to avoid the risk that the fish will get scared and run away; important will also be the camouflage of the fisherman not to be seen by the fish.

It is one of the techniques born in the ponds of sport fishing, and that gives great satisfaction if done well. Practiced with reeds called "tremarella" less than 4mt long and of different weights, it is very simple to practice, the frame is so developed:

Mother line, the bombard, piombino or slide, the double or triple swivel, the ending, the hook and the bait.

Then the fishing line is built with this tapered lead, and depending on the distance, depth and sinking at which you want to fish you will use different weights:

The bombard can have a weight (weights) ranging from 8 to 40 grams, and different degrees of sinking or buoyancy. There are, for example, floating bombers which, unlike a normal float, allow long launches and this particular fishing action.

The Piombino used for smear fishing and for bottom fishing.

The slide used for smear fishing and for "shaking" the weight does not allow very long throws.

The fundamental characteristic of the bombarda is its constructive mode that depending on the composition/position of the lead and the floating part allow different fishing actions, and different degrees of buoyancy.