The confusion went through the brown eyes of the young "Are you kidding me?"
From derisory, Honey's expression became exasperated, "But are you serious? But you're really out of it" - he couldn't finish the sentence because Sarah had promptly shut her up to prevent her from saying any more crap.
"You have to excuse her, unfortunately first she hit her head and at the moment she's a little confused, she doesn't know what she's saying" she started to say in an innocent tone, gaining a bad look from her sister "We got lost, we have no idea where we are, but we can assure you that we don't want to hurt anyone".
"Your friend said she was a witch, in this kingdom magic is banned and those who practice it is punished with death."
"What's the matter with you and your friends?" Honey bronchi, but unfortunately - or fortunately - all the others heard were just indistinct murmurs from behind the hand of Sarah who was still stopping her mouth.
"No, that was just... one way of saying," she tried to save the other. "I'm Sarah anyway, and she's my twin sister Honey. We have no bad intentions.
"Gwaine" had been a tall, muscular boy who spoke - also dressed as a knight - drawing the attention of the chestnut tree "Maybe we should take them to the castle, then Arthur will decide what to do with them, even if they don't seem a threat to me. Of course, they're dressed bizarrely, but maybe they're just foreigners".
"Never does anything seem like a threat to you, Percival, you have too good a heart.
Hearing that exchange of jokes, Honey glanced confusedly at her sister, reading in those eyes identical to her own the same surprise and confusion. Gwaine? Arthur? Percival? And were they the ones who were dressed bizarrely?
"That we were really..." whispered Sarah, finally taking her hand out of her sister's mouth.
"Impossible" was his sentence, pronounced more for the rejection of all that situation than for the reality of the facts, and yet he had known from the beginning that there was something strange in that place.
In the end, they decided to go with the knights to the castle, not that they had much choice, after all, both because the knights would certainly not let them go, and because maybe it was their only hope to understand something.
They were now the last dying rays of sunshine to illuminate the sky when they arrived at the sight of an imposing fortress with high stone walls, with a large amount of towers and red and golden banners that waved in the wind.
Honey almost fainted, shocked by that view "It's not possible" murmured as she began to dig into her bag in search of something.
"Hey, is everything okay? You're pale," Sarah asked with an apprehensive tone.
She didn't answer, she kept looking in her bag until she found the manuscript she had taken from the library, which she had found next to her awakening in that forest - which she now suspected was the legendary forest of Asher. In one of the first pages, he found what he was looking for: a drawing of what had been Camelot in King Arthur's time, also work, like the entire manuscript, of that mysterious Emrys. "Oh, for the triple goddess, that's Camelot."
"What? Are we in Camelot? It's a joke?" whispered in a tone highly alarmed at Honey.
"It's not a joke, the drawings and the story correspond to where we are now," the other one pointed out to him on the manuscript.
The girl felt dazed by that revelation. Camelot...The two of them had always dreamed, as children, of going there. The dream had come true.
He laughed, he had always found the modus operandi of Destiny very strange to understand.
She looked up towards the castle, still incredulous; it was one thing to study the castles in the History of Art manuals, but to see them up close... An experience that catapulted her into other eras but always remained with her body in the twenty-first century.
In that case, it was amplified one hundred percent.
Sarah would have liked to scream for joy but stayed, so as not to create further alarms to the Knights.
"Honey, please, please, they're taking us to King Arthur's, don't shoot any crap. We must keep a low profile as low as possible," whispered again to her twin.
Honey gave her a bad look, "When do I ever shoot stupid?"
The girl sighed resigned, deliberately avoiding reminding her sister that she was about to be killed by a night shortly before.
The knight his sister had called "wild", Gwaine, took them to a large room where he was sitting - on a large wooden throne - a young man with blond hair and intense blue eyes. Sarah assumed he was King Arthur, although he wore simple clothes and had no crown on his head.
to be continued