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Different View

Firefly men. Phenomenon or a joke of nature? part 2.


part 1.

Later, when the guest agreed to eat and took off his mittens, we saw that one hand was bandaged with rags. Having talked, the hunter said that he was really sneaking into the city to doctors and that the disease had happened to him in a strange way - his right hand was burning with fire in the truest sense. He wrapped up the bandages, and we saw that our guest's right palm really shone in the dark. What's more, a glow that looked like an acetylene burner was coming down from the tips of his fingers.

- "Does it hurt?" - We asked.

-"No", he replied.

Strange spots on his face glowed too - only very weakly. Only in total darkness, when we went to bed, did we find this.

In the morning the hunter said goodbye and left.

What was that? Radiation? Infection? Any germs?

I don't think so. The fact is that the glow coming from his hand was almost hot - not like real fire, but close. When the guest put his hand on the newspaper that laid the table, it turned yellow in this place, as if it had been exposed to temperature or acid..."

Like an X-ray.

Late at night, trucker Albert Pey was driving on a dangerous highway in the mountains of New Mexico (USA). After another turn, he saw a light on the side of the road that looked like a green flame. There was a broken car in the ditch and a wounded woman lying next to him. Her arm was broken and a bone was sticking out of the wound, which was glowing. The driver drove the woman to the nearest hospital, where she was immediately placed on the operating table.

She was unconscious for two weeks. According to the documents found in the car, her name was Linda Hemoorl and she lives in California. She is a radiographer by profession. Linda's husband, who came to the hospital, admitted that he had noticed amazing things in the house for a long time. Repeatedly in total darkness, he saw in the room strange flashes. And this happened only when his wife was nearby. But he never thought that it was Linda who could glow, and convinced of this only after a nightmare accident.

Thanks to the efforts of doctors Linda Hemoorl soon got back on her feet. Although the trauma did not leave any serious consequences, the woman was detained in hospital for further examination. The cause of the bone glow had to be determined. It was assumed that this was due to an unknown disease caused by her professional activities. After all, the woman was irradiated for many years. However, this could not be proved. Meanwhile, Linda has been shining more and more recently. Already reached the point wherein the dark the light coming from the bones is so strong that her skeleton is visible as clearly as in an X-ray.

Good angel.

In a small village in the Vietnamese province of Binh Dinh Dinh, a girl named Thi Nga lives. A few years ago, she began to glow. In the dark, her body radiates an incredibly bright phosphorescent glow, a huge luminous halo can be seen around her head, and golden-yellow rays emanate from her arms, legs, and torso.

Parents took her daughter to all sorcerers and healers, took her even to Saigon to show the medical luminaries, but no abnormalities in Thi's health were found.

Thi and her parents' doubts and fears were dispelled by a well-known Vietnamese healer who explained that this was God's grace.

- Try to live in a way that you may always be a good angel to people. - The witch doctor advised.

The girl listened to the advice. Now, wherever she appears, there comes peace and harmony, those who quarrel and the sick feel better.

She can still be found now, though she is carefully hidden from the eyes of strangers, and only a few lucky people can experience the miracle of her incredible gift.

The cases described above show that the glow of human bodies is complex and ambiguous. Most of the scientists who have studied this phenomenon for many years believe that it is associated with the phenomenon of bioluminescence. For example, they cite deep-sea squids and jellyfish, which often emit glow due to the saturated amount of phosphorus in their cells. Others argue that it is caused by certain microbial species, including dangerous ones. But the paradox is that none of the so-called "fireflies" have ever felt uncomfortable emitting light. People who have been exposed to radiation can also glow. And here, as you can see, this example is absolutely inappropriate, because with such a dose of radiation a person can survive from the force of the day. But science cannot yet give a clear explanation for this phenomenon.