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Two Twins, Technology and Witchcraft. Part 4.



For once in her life she was deeply grateful to her sister for forcing her to study, that book was the most beautiful she had ever read about the adventures of King Arthur, his knights and the magician Merlin; she completely overturned everything she had always thought she knew. The strange thing was that it seemed to be a sort of diary, but written in the third person, and yet it seemed that the narrator had lived personally every story described, although the name Emrys never appeared in the pages.

He was reading about Morgana's betrayal, how they had defeated the army of immortals created by her and Morgause, and how Arthur had taken over the reins of the kingdom after the battle, acclaimed by the people. Almost without realizing it, he lost himself in imagining what it would be like to live in those times: epic battles, hunting trips, nights around the fire with friends drinking and telling stories, riding among immense expanses of green, the sense of freedom that flowed in the veins like blood. They often reproached her for having a distorted vision of what the Middle Ages was, because of the hours spent on video games in which she impersonated epic medieval heroes. But she wasn't stupid, she knew perfectly well that that era - like all of them - had its drawbacks, yet she would still have preferred it to the later ones, and also to the one in which she was living.

She distractedly swiped her fingers over the yellowed pages, following with her fingertips the soft curve of the letters written in black ink that, strangely enough, had not been faded by time. A sudden gilded shimmer passed - as fast as a flash - between those letters, making it shake.

"Is everything all right?" asked Sarah raising her eyes from her beloved novel.

Honey looked at the book for a few moments, confused, "Yes, it just seemed to me to be... It doesn't matter, it's just a lack of sleep," she replied finally, grabbing the glass with the now lukewarm coffee and drinking it all in one sip. The night before she had not closed her eyes, too busy to finish climbing - for the millionth time - Dante's Inferno.

"You have to stop spending sleepless nights with video games, you'll end up going crazy," replied her sister, ending up sipping her coffee.

At that exact moment there was like an earthquake tremor, which caused the table at which they were sitting to vibrate, but they didn't even have time to realize what was happening, because a golden light hit them, and they felt like they were being dragged into a vortex: everything revolved around them, or maybe they were spinning. In the end, they lost consciousness.


Sarah was the first to wake up, feeling damp ground under her fingers. She murmured an "Uh" of pain as she opened her eyes and lifted herself by leaning on an elbow, her head turned around and her leg felt bad as if she had made a memorable fall. It took her a while to focus on her surroundings, but when she noticed the tall trees and dense vegetation she felt even more dazed and confused. "Eh? how did we end up in the woods?" he murmured between himself and himself.

In front of her Honey was blissfully asleep, "Honey, Honey, wake up," he called her shaking her by her shoulder, in her voice a note of anxiety.

"Five more minutes..." murmured her sister, turning around on her side.

Five more minutes? But didn't she realize that she had her face on dried leaves? "Honey, for God's sake, wake up! We're not in the library anymore, we're... in the woods," her twin screamed, finding it absurd to say the last words. But she got the desired result: the girl opened her eyes with a bang and looked around lost.

Meanwhile, Sarah got up and tried to get as much mud and leaves out of her clothes as possible.

"And I thought you were joking," commented the other, taking the hand of her twin to get up in turn. And how did we end up there?"

"It's the million-dollar question," her sister replied as she opened her bag to take her mobile phone out of her inner pocket; she activated the GPS in an attempt to figure out where they were on the maps, but the line didn't want to know how to work. "Fantastic, really fantastic" Sarah angrily turned off her cell phone, then threw it into the bag.

"It's almost sunset, my head is spinning, we're in the woods, and we don't remember how we got there," Honey said with a thoughtful yet quiet attitude, "tell me one thing, where the hell did you get the coffee we drank? From Tom the Caterpillar by chance?"


to be continued https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d9330a42fda86023a6cb900/two-twins-technology-and-witchcraft-part-5-5d9347d43d008800b03cbc59