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Mine. Part 3.


- Fair enough..." somebody shouted shyly out of the crowd.

- Will do! It's okay! - others supported him afterwards.

It seemed that the priest had to intervene, but apparently, deep down, he agreed to the proposed plan...

The gold rush started. Everybody was eager to find the third shard, all talk was about it! However, quite soon one problem, or rather a few, came up. Not everybody was happy with the agreement that the majority came to. There were also those who thought that not everyone deserved to have their desires fulfilled.

Small-scale quarrels turned into fights. The murders didn't take long.

Oli didn't know how to stop it, it got worse and worse every day. It was urgent to think of something before it was too late.

At night we arranged to meet him by the lake, while the full moon was in the sky.

- You're the only one I can trust with this. - Olie gave me a package. - They must be destroyed at all costs! No one should restore it!

- Why not?

- Why? Why? - He asked again and laughed involuntarily. - I will soon be killed because of them! I thought I'd found the Grail! - Oli picked up a stone on the beach and threw it into the lake with all his might. - I was so wrong! I found no gift - I found a curse!

- A curse?

- When I found God, he told me right away! He was surprised we found him so deep underground! He couldn't imagine us using natural resources so carelessly! To burn the material that had been forming for thousands of years! And then he said that we had to find all the fragments and destroy them!

- But why? If you have an artifact, you can do a lot! Help so many people!

- I thought so too... Until people started killing because of him. I asked myself: why did God lock himself in a cage and break the artifact?

Oli kept talking, and I suddenly noticed that my hands were shaking.

- He was tired... He was tired of doing things! He realized that it was impossible to possess an artifact! Only an artifact can possess a master! As long as he had the artifact, he couldn't stop. He has lost meaning in this world... He just doesn't exist if you have complete power over everything!


I hid the shards in a safe place. And in the morning Oli was found dead on the lake shore. I was under suspicion because I was the last person to see him before he died. The priest asked me to confess to everything, but because of the lack of direct evidence I was still released.

- And then what happened?

- Everybody knew they hadn't found any shrapnel in Oli's things. I knew I didn't have long to live. I felt as if I was under the hood, always looking at myself closely.

So the day went by, and then the night went by... And I was still alive!

It was morning. I got dressed and wanted to get out of my tent, but I couldn't, so someone closed the door tightly.

Using a knife, I cut the tent and headed for the mine. Before I could make a few steps, the whole neighborhood was shaken by a powerful explosion. A few more steps followed, but already weaker.

I was lying on the ground, afraid to move. It took me a few minutes before I woke up. The dust that had flooded the surrounding area was slowly settling.

As I approached the edge of the abyss, where the mine had just been, I was horrified to realize that everyone else was dead...

Suddenly I heard someone else's footsteps behind my back. At first, I just didn't believe my ears, I thought it was, but the clap on my shoulder put everything in its place.

When I turned around, I saw a priest. He was completely calm. "It was strange... - I thought it occurred to me that he blew up the mine...

- Why would you do that? - I asked him.

- It was the best option...

- Kill so many people?

- People? Hmm... They would have killed each other! What are their lives worth in comparison to what has been achieved?

- What kind of good? What have you done?

- He asked me to do this...

- Why is that? (Laughs) God could save lives, help people! Doing good, isn't it?

The priest smiled.

- Do you think he was worried about people's destinies? No... That's the point... You can't let such a God into our world! Who knows what he would have done if he had been free again? Who knows... Think about it, is our world so bad that they are at risk? - The priest sat down on the edge of the abyss. - Did you want to lose your wife, your children? All this could have just disappeared!

- Why did you decide for everyone?

- Hmm... You know what the most important thing is for us in God? For people?

- What? What?

- The most important thing for us is that he is not there... People do not need to know that God is there! People need faith!

- Blind faith?

- People pray to invented Gods, it makes their souls easier, makes sense to them! What happens to them if they learn about the true God? That he will never help them, that he does not care about them? Why pray if you know for sure that you will not be helped? There was only one option... I killed God to save faith...