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Maltese dog: the oldest dog breed pet.


Among the small dogs, in addition to the dachshund, there is also the Maltese dog considered one of the oldest breeds in Europe.

In ancient Rome the dog with a thick, white and soft coat was much loved by women of noble origins who chose it not only for its beauty, but also for its elegance and intelligence. In addition, statuettes that recall its appearance were found in the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II also known as Ramesses II, Ramses II and Ramses the Great.

The philosopher Timone, who described the breeding of Maltese dogs in the population of Sibari, a Calabrian town among the most important colonies of Magna Graecia, and the poet Callimachus, who explains how the Maltese dog it was used for therapeutic purposes to relieve stomach pains. The animal was placed on the aching body part and through its heat it attenuated the spasms restoring a bit of relief. Other writings, whose provenance is uncertain and questionable, however, add a sad detail to the story of Callimachus: when the pain disappeared the dog was suppressed because it was thought that the evil one had taken possession of him.

With the expansion of Roman power in the Mediterranean basin, the Maltese dog spread throughout the peninsula, fascinated the emperor Claudius, became a symbol of the aristocracy of ancient Rome and succeeded in winning the attention of Strabo, geographer and ancient Greek historian, and of Pliny the Elder. The fall of the Roman Empire did not affect the fame of the Maltese, of which however there is no news during the Middle Ages. We will have to wait for the literature and art of the European Renaissance to rediscover the beauty of the Maltese dog that will become the protagonist of tapestries and canvases from the Flemish, German and Spanish schools. Among the Italians who particularly loved this dog breed is the great composer Giuseppe Verdi who never separated from his Loulou, the beloved Maltese that the Master describes as " the most beautiful dog in the world ".

If every time you meet a Maltese dog your heart beats and you want to know more about character, price and food, in our guide you will find all the answers to your questions.

Maltese dog: the strengths and weaknesses of the character

To get to know the history of our four-legged friends, we need to start from the origin of the name and when we talk about Maltese dog the mistake we can't make and believe that this breed is originally from the island of Malta.

The Maltese adjective is not a tribute to the Mediterranean island, but derives from the Semitic word màlat which means refuge, port. Some names of maritime places like the island of Méléda, the Sicilian town of Melita and the island of Malta, have the same Semitic root and it is the reason why it is thought that the Maltese dog could come from one of these places. It seems that the ancestors of the oldest pet breed dog lived in seaside cities where they were used in warehouses and on ships to hunt rodents.

The first exhibition that saw Maltese dogs as protagonists is dated 1862 and took place in Great Britain, while in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century the breed spread to Canada and the United States, where over the years it has become one of the most bred.

The Maltese is an affectionate and gentle dog, intelligent and lively, but also courageous, playful and very loyal. Despite being a lounge dog, he needs constant physical activity, he has to run and play outdoors, and is therefore not recommended for those who spend a lot of time away from home and cannot take a walk in the park with their friend. on all fours. Moreover, the Maltese becomes very fond of his master, loves physical contact, suffers from loneliness and anxiety if left alone too long and his docile and cheerful character makes him perfect for families with children.

The Maltese dog has an excellent memory but is also very touchy. Susceptibility is a trait of personality that can be kept under control through rigorous training that does not however give up a hint of sweetness.