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Lead the snowflakes



When we decided to get a dog so suddenly, we, for obvious reasons, did not consult with our cat Manechka, whether she agrees to live in her yard a big dog. And she was clearly against it. It was evident from the disgust Manya had with which she had watched Zanna through the window.

When the Baby appeared in the window like a big TV on the screen, and Zanna started to freak out with him, Mania was finally upset and jumping off the window sill. "My eyes wouldn't look at it all! - Our cat would let us know. She looked at me with reproach, saying that you, the mistress, did what you did? But of course, I have to make a digression and tell her more about my cat, because somebody who deserves a separate article, Mania, deserves to be told about it.

Our cat is a Kurilian bobtail, and it's show class, and she's not even a Mania, she's a Rose-Marie by passport. We took her almost as an adult bride for our Ivy (also bobtail) cat. Unfortunately, my favorite cat, the stuffed animal, is no longer with us: in a terrible thunderstorm, he rushed home and fell under the car. He was loved by everyone, including Manechka, who, as I said, we took to create a happy cat family.

So, we were lucky enough to get a show class cat at a very modest price, as she was already an adult and the owners were more concerned about good living conditions for their favorite cat than earnings. They brought her to us as a family, came into the house with a cat in their arms. And then she rushed so fast that she couldn't be held, ran around the house and instantly disappeared under the couch. Not only did we not see the treasure we had brought in, but we couldn't see it at all, so something gray flashed before our eyes...

The hosts were asking their Rozochka (that's what they called a cat) to come out to them, and the boy wanted to kiss her goodbye to the nose, but all in vain: the nose stubbornly did not want to get out from under the sofa. In the end, we all decided to leave the frightened poor thing alone. The owners, who had already been there, secured our promise to keep them informed of the events, had left. And we began to hope that in an hour or two, having calmed down, the beauty will come out to get acquainted with us. I was especially hoping for this. He just cried with impatience and kept climbing under the couch. But all his attempts to get closer were answered by the snake's hissing, and the rejected, depressed cat complained to us: "Well, what is it? I'm so wonderful, and she's hissing at me? I had to take him outside.

Neither an hour later, nor after two roses, she didn't want to go out: either my affectionate lamentations nor the delicacies placed near the sofa helped. "What a scared little cat! - We were surprised that we got used to the fact that our Pigeon flies to meet any guest at once.

Late in the evening, without seeing who we got for an acceptable, but still round sum, we settled down on the couch, under which our invisible cat was hiding. We were lying down and talking about what to do with her. Maybe we should try to get it out and take it in our arms? Not a wild animal! And then, like a devil from a snuffbox, our cat jumped out from under the sofa. She looked at us very strictly, but not frightened at all, and began to move quickly around the room, sniffing around and looking at us. The cat did not pay much attention to Trusha, who, not keeping up with it, was cowardly behind her.

We kept lying there, afraid to stop our new resident from getting used to it. Since the square in our house was too small for housing, she came back very soon, jumped on our bed and licked me and my husband in turns: she took it to herself. And I once clearly understood: no it is not Rosa-mimosa and not Marie, but the most wonderful maneuver: business and household.

Now that I know Manin's character in all its manifestations, I understand that then, sitting under the couch, she was not afraid at all. Well, maybe just a little bit. Since Manechka is a very practical person, in the end, she decided to accept us, not to stick out under the couch for a century, when I already want to eat... And having decided, she immediately made us understand: "Well, so be it, I will love you, just behave properly!

Since then, we've been trying to behave very well with our independent and amazingly clever cat. For all time, perhaps, we never yelled at her, in case of divergence of views on these or those things - we agree. As promised, we are very much loved by the maneuver.