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Рома Карасев

Part II. Six months later

- Redlis, sick of it! met me barking Marvolo Gont, when I kicked open the door to his office. Hanging in the best shibari tradition in the midst of a host of illusory tentacles, the next secretary even froze for a couple of seconds, thereby stopping senseless attempts to break out of the bond she had not yet seen her boss so irritated. So find a normal worker! barking back. For a couple of seconds we drill each other with displeased glances, after which we begin to laugh. Still, to some extent, this has already become a tradition another fool who dreams of rushing to marry the boss shows “zeal”, after which he is captured by my spell, which in some sense has become a visiting card.

With different variations and additions. Sometimes receiving and transfiguration of clothes. “But each previous one always leaves a note warning her successor I shake my head. Which they throw out every time, without even having read it. Human stupidity and conceit knows no bounds. Okay, come in, the red monster. Tell me what you came up with. Well I sit down in the proposed chair. Bring the bottle. WHAT?! AGAIN?!! the cry of the soul, it seems, was heard on all floors of the Ministry.
In response, I laughed and waved his tails at him. That other. The one you were threatening to uncork when we find a solution. I.e…
“And there it is,” I throw on the table a thick black folder with a gold edging. The secret documents from the section "Behind Before Reading." The project turned out to be much more complicated, longer and more complex than we expected, but it is quite possible and is already being implemented. But first it is necessary to hold a world closed summit of the heads of magic states.
“Heads of magical states?” Why such a formulation? Again something conceived, a revolutionary minor? Yes. I decided to clean the Augean stables beforehand.

Former Tom Riddle's eye twitched very expressively. After which he silently got up and went to the sideboard. He returned with a bottle of vodka and the promised bottle of wine. Poured into glasses. And while I savored the thick odorous scarlet ragweed, I drained my tank in one gulp. What should I know and what to say?
“Well hmm you pour yourself another serving.” Not prevent. Yeah. So, here’s what I need to say to these “rulers of papers and pens” “I can’t believe that they were bought the administrator of our triad shakes his head.
“Human stupidity and self-conceit Although I have already said this once,I join in the mechanical movement with my upper limb, noting in passing that our pumpkins are moving in time with the secret hanging in the fetters, visible in the ajar door. Hmm but didn’t this work for you before? Break off the masochist caught, ex-Voldemort grimaces with some vengeance.

“What a nuisance I sob in a pretense, after which I continue in a more serious tone. I would be very surprised if, after the horror that you caught up with these scribblers, they would not have managed. Although I must admit that the scale of their idiocy struck even me. What is intelligence? Is there already accurate information about someone who is no longer in this world? Still, a day has passed. North Korea disappeared in full force. There now, very quickly, with tsunamis and other delights of natural disasters, a new sea is formed with a perfectly flat bottom.
Some of the most fertile and wealthiest provinces in China have disappeared.
The magic part of the USA was missed in the morning of the entire state apparatus, the aurora and one third of the civilian population. As a result, the local Indian shamans, sensing the weakened grip of their "civilized colleagues," began to weird something completely indecent. It will be necessary to understand.
A similar situation is in Russia the entire ruling elite that seized power during the revolution disappeared. Moreover, she disappeared along with young births formed under the same USSR. The Magi, who had not previously climbed out of the Ural Mountains, surprisingly quickly began to take control of the situation, for which they had to kill many, partially and literally, on their heads.

In Kievan Rus, several more common births disappeared. But there it is not clear these are the consequences of our actions or local disassembly.
In Italy, too, something happened related to this event, but nothing really is known you yourself know that because of the dominance of the saint, we can only use Muggle channels. And that is mostly exclusively news.
The Arab world is surprisingly quiet. But there it is always incomprehensible how it will end maybe they haven’t swayed yet, maybe they are waiting, or maybe they are once again preparing a terrorist attack in their cruelty and senselessness.

So, the rats escaped from the ship,” the slightly hungry interlocutor shakes his head. “I did not think that your undertaking would cause such consequences.” What did you think would do like them? Those who came to everything ready, those who, without a clan and tribe, like conquerors, built their houses on the ashes of burnt thousands of fates? Something pulled you on a high syllable. This is not good Do not pay attention, dismissed. Just three hours ago, I spoke with Ambassador Yapo
