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1.1.Psychological aspects of management decision making.


Anticipating and predicting the best possible behavior is closely related to the processes of social perception, interpretation, and attribution. "At the same time, the consciousness of the leader reflects the very choice and the possibility realized, but not the subjective factors of this choice" Ibid. С.3.

Every leader, regardless of the sphere of his activity, performs similar actions when solving problems. Most often the following are referred to them in the Ibid. С.5:

formulation of restrictions and criteria for decision making;

identification of alternatives;

final choice.

According to A.G.Kovalev, the most important stages of management decision making are the initial ones, as they are related to the collection of information and its distribution and correlation. Senior managers prefer the information type of power in general. The first hypotheses and models, which are essentially information models, appear at the early stages of management. "The first, initial stage is the awareness of the problem... In order to understand the problem it is necessary to have a lot of qualitative information.

The second stage is the collection of all information. In order to find out the causes of difficulties or to ask new questions, it is necessary to have information, both internal and external, concerning objective factors - the experience of related enterprises, scientific data on the organization of labor and management, technology, economy, etc...

The third stage of the solution is to put forward a hypothesis. The hypothesis is a model of a possible solution, a preliminary decision made on the basis of primary information". A.G.Kovalev. Collective and socio-psychological problems of management. М., 1978. С.149-151.

Collective forms of work are used to optimize the decision-making process. Prerequisites of effectiveness in this case are the reflexion skills developed in the group, i.e. reflection and awareness of what happens in the process of joint activity. The roles of partners, their relations, intermediate results in relation to the task in hand, and the conditions of the task itself are reflexive. Reflexion helps to increase the efficiency of all stages of decision making, to compensate for the non-optimal style of individual participants, and to smooth the influence of their individual psychological peculiarities.

"The advantage of group decision making is that it is the following

in a better understanding of the essence of the problems and ways to solve them;

in a faster and "smooth" implementation of the decisions made into practical activities;

in effective interaction, in establishing the atmosphere of cooperation;

in the growth of self-consciousness, self-affirmation of team members;

in the possibility to combine the goals of an individual, a group and an organization as a whole in an optimal way", G.S. Mikhailov, Decision-making Psychology.// Journal of Applied Psychology No 5, 2001. С.7.

"However, it should be remembered that group decisions have also negative moments: they open up a wide enough field for mutual misunderstanding, misinformation, group stereotypes, false group solidarity, etc... Thus, making group decisions in joint management activities is not unambiguously optimal". G.M.Manuilov, V.V.Novikov. Psychological management in a crisis society. St. Petersburg, 1999.S.135.

1.2.Methods of making managerial decisions

To date, a large number of methods of developing managerial decisions have been accumulated. Thus, V.A. Lisichkin has distinguished three classes of methods:

General scientific methods (logical and heuristic methods: observation, experiment, analysis, induction and deduction, expert assessments, collective generation of ideas); the most interesting, in our opinion, are the method of expert assessments designed to give an objective description of qualitative and quantitative aspects of the object of prognosis on the basis of processing and analysis of a set of individual opinions of experts. And the collective generation of ideas, which consists in brainstorming, synectic ideas that imply the establishment of interrelationships and interdependencies between seemingly incomparable proposals. In our country, the application of the method of collective generation of ideas is very difficult due to the reasons of strict observance of status relations, especially the vertical "subordinate boss", which is expressed in a special "grass-roots solidarity". "In general, the core of administrative relations in Russia is the vertical connection between the head and the collective (the so-called cluster unit), and the latter, as a rule, "is tightly closed to its head. For today's workers, "they" are masters and site managers, for masters - shop managers, for shop managers - the company's management board, for members of the management board - people from the head office... When someone becomes the chief, he belongs to another, higher level, he is not the first among equals, but someone else's." A.P.Prokhorov Solidarity of subordinates at the enterprises under different management regimes // SOCIS No 12 2002. The method of analysis is used by any manager, regardless of his mental and personal characteristics, as the analysis makes it possible to diagnose the condition with.