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World of Books

Surprise selection (Part 4)



Chapter 2 (continued)

Ways to getaway

So, all you have to do is run away from the palace, find Cavernel, get rid of him and take his place. Only this last stage seemed almost impossible. I had to make up my mind and trust Arietta. My cousin grew up in court to be my confidant and confidant. She became a friend in pranks and a keeper of secrets. Not all, of course, but most of them.

Ari was found in the boudoir, she sat by the mirror and combed the golden curls - a subject of secret envy of the female half of the palace. Arietta looked like a fairy at all. Thin, fragile, cute. Only behind the fragility was an inflexible character, so the dearest cousin still has not got a fiancé.

- Eliza! - Ari put aside the comb and went up to meet me, straightening the folds of an emerald dress that shaded her eyes. - And I just wanted to come to you.

I put my finger to my lips. Arietta immediately realized that the conversation was going to be serious, and pulled the "cracker" out of the table - our little invention. All we had to do was put this balloon in the keyhole, and if anyone was listening, they heard two girls talking nicely about dresses and gentlemen. Meanwhile, we were secreting.

As soon as the cracker was in place, I moved the chair and sat down closer to my girlfriend.

- Ari, I need your help," I asked quietly.

- Because of the selection?

- Yes. Listen, just don't interrupt. I will not marry a stranger. No way! So I'll run away a couple of days before the selection.

- Elisa, are you crazy? - Arietta splashed her hands. - Where will you go? Alone, not knowing the world. Don't even think about it!

- Ari, it's all settled. And then I decided where to go. But that's what I need help because I can't do it myself.

And I gave a brief outline of my plan. To give Arietta credit, she didn't interrupt. She just frowned harder and finally said it:

- This is crazy, Elisa. You'll give yourself away. You have nothing male in you. And your idea will turn out to be a disgrace to Aldon and to you.

- It won't turn around! I will prove to my father that I deserve more than the role of a doll in front of my husband. I don't want such a life!

- You will run away anyway, won't you? - My cousin sighed and studied my stubborn character too well.

- Don't even doubt it," I said. - Whatever it takes. Well, understand, I can't smile at the heirs, who don't want me, but the throne. And the princess - in the form of a pleasant addition, you know? Yes, a dynastic marriage is everyone's destiny. But not now and not like that! Am I a prize of some kind?

- If the prize... - Ari smiled. - No, Eliza, you're not going to get a prize. Because the winner is unlikely to get off easily. Well, since I won't be able to convince you, it remains to be helped. But how will you know exactly where Cavernel will stay? Again, there will still be people who can identify him. The same servants. What if they manage to get into the selection process somehow? And where can Cavernel go with it? Locked in a dungeon? Kill? No, we need something else.

- I came up with something else! - I jumped from my chair. - Ari, honey, you are helping me with one presence! And what if I sent a magic book to Cavernel? And on behalf of the royal court to apologize - that the selection will not take place.

- No, that's not gonna work. - Ari shook her head. - It is better to write that because of the princess's illness the selection is postponed for a month. And in a month it will be finished in any case and everything will be decided.

- Genius," I admired. - Well, it's just a matter of time. Steal the form and seal from the secretary.

Alas, Daddy's secretary was a type of creepy one. He came to court eight years ago, and since then I have been afraid of Lord Willian as a fire. That's right - the Lord, without the usual "higher" or loud name. I do not know where he came from at court, but his father trusted him infinitely. And I should have seen a tall brunette with a predatory squint in the same black attire, trying to fit into the wall and pretend that I am not there. Yes, that was exactly what the royal secretary was like. A creepy man, without exaggeration.

And he had to steal the seal. But how?

- You can't get to him at night," I thought aloud. - I'm sure there's a chasm of magical traps there. And in the afternoon... In the afternoon this dragon is at his post all the time. And if... Ari, you have to lure him out.

- What? My cousin pulled away from me like a ghost. - Elisa, are you out of your mind? He'll eat me up!

- He'll choke," I printed it. - Tell him you need help writing the letter. But to whom? He's the kind of person who can check it out.

- Parents.

- Why do you need the help of a secretary for this?

- Well, then, let him help to correct the love letter. What do you think? You have to pretend to be a fool. Well, I will be patient. Meanwhile, you will find everything you need. Just make a sketch of the letter first, so that it can be rewritten quickly. And handwriting? What will you do with your handwriting?

- I will use magic, of course. I have samples. And under the royal seals, the Cavernels will not feel it.

We split up, we can't be satisfied with each other. Arietta took over not only the secretary but also the help with the wardrobe. I didn't think that the heir to one of the Higher Houses couldn't walk in the same place all the time. Ari also promised to take care of the money side of the issue. During the selection process, I don't need the money, but when I run away, I'll need it. I will not wander through the streets of the capital?

In a word, my heart became calmer, and I went to bed almost satisfied. There was enough time left before the start of the selection - it means that there was no hurry. It is better to devote more time to preparing the escape.

Тo be continued in the next part https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d92ea4da660d700ae0152c2/surprise-selection-part-5-5d93353e43fdc000ae874e83