In 1930 the Italian movement of Rationalist architects (Miar) was formed, based in Milan, Turin and Rome, the only building built was the Casa Elettrica, then each of the architects took his own path, proposed at the fourth triennial of Monza (then transferred to Milan), house commissioned by Edison, where we see a clear example of rationalism.
In 1931 the problems began, there was the second exhibition of rational architecture in the Bardi Gallery in Rome. Bardi was a critic and had written a report on rationalist architecture saying that it is the only one that can represent the regime, so they get the support of the union of fascist architects and the inauguration is made by Mussolini. The support was later revoked because in the context of the exhibition the "table of horrors" was designed, in which some had created a photomontage with all the worst architectures of those that took up the classical schemes and that were all part of the union of fascist architects.
The Miar was dissolved and the Rami (Grouping of modern Italian architects) was founded, trying to mediate between rationalism and the littorio style; however, the littorio style of Piacentini prevailed, a very eclectic style that mediates between classicism, Novecento architecture and the propositions of rupture of futurism and secessionism.
Among the various projects on display at the second exhibition are the popular houses of Libera, the apartment building in Rome by Ridolfi, but generally propose all the classical schemes of rationalism.
In 1932 the university campus of Rome (La Sapienza) was built, obviously the designer and Piacentini and therefore it is a work in littorio style (usual grandeur and reference to ancient Rome), but called to collaborate other 9 architects, who have the opportunity to work with more freedom especially in the entrance portals.
Common features are the great grandeur with a very high portal and the staircase, which incorporates classical elements freely reinterpreted.
Gio Ponti also worked on this project, with the Institute of Mathematics (very free), but also the Institute of Ignee and Physics in Pagano, the Institute of Botany in Capponi (with the element of the glass corner), which can be considered the most interesting and personal.
In 1932, Libera commissioned the exhibition of the tenth anniversary of the Fascist revolution, organised in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, which was a nineteenth-century building with a façade in which Libera applied 4 large emitters and a large X, which indicates the tenth anniversary.
The martyrs' shrine is interesting, a circular element with bands that light up, in the centre a blood-red cross and in the background the song "Giovinezza", the hymn of Fascism. Also interesting is the installation of Terragni in what is called room O, where he organizes a dynamic wall relief consisting of graphic elements, plastic and photographic.
Since 1934 there has been the decline of rationalism because of the strength of the style littorio and the fact that they are not given large tasks to the rationalists, although then the most interesting authors build important works, such as the station in Florence (1932-35) by Michelucci and the Tuscan group (group of young rationalists), a very difficult project but of great modernity. The complex is located near the church and it is intended to be linked to the historical fabric through the stone. The building has a clear horizontal layout, is very closed and cut by elements of termolux glass that illuminate the ticket office, the route for the trains and the gallery for parking cars. It is important that they can be integrated into the environment through these masses of stone.
Very important in this period is the theme of urbanism, where fascism proposes an anti-urban perspective, not by chance many sections of the population have been taken from one part of Italy to another with the construction of newly founded cities, following the reclamation of large swampy areas.
Gustavo Giovannoni (18-1947), president of the Faculty of Architecture in Rome, was an important figure in urban planning policy. Giovannoni has a very precise idea, that is, the fact that you have to regulate urban planning and train an architect who also deals with urban planning.
In 1930 the national institute of town planning was founded, in 1931 the magazine "Urbanistica" began to be published and in 1932 the series of town planning; in 1937 the first national congress of town planning was held, where the failure of the anti-urban policy of Fascism was outlined.
As mentioned, Fascism proposed an anti-urban policy, thanks also to the reclamation of the pontine countryside, the recovery of 150,000 hectares in which 6 new cities were built in a very short time, generally in Lazio and around Rome (Littoria, Sabaudia, Aprilia, Pontinia, Guid, etc.).
It should be continued...