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Medicinal herbs

It's bitter.

Истодовые — Polygalaceae
Истодовые — Polygalaceae

Source: Polygalaceae.

Folk names: bitter thrushcropper, voznesenskiy color, milky, Uzhoviy color, pilgrim's color.

Parts used: all flowering plant (with roots).

Pharmacy Name: Bitter source herb with roots - Polygalae amarae herba cum radice (formerly: Herba Polygalae amarae cum radicibus).

Botanical description. This perennial plant develops from a multiheaded root a few non-rooted upright stems up to 20 cm high. Leaves form a rather noticeable root rosette and alternate on the stem, becoming smaller and smaller as they move towards the top. Flowers with small covering leaves are collected in final brushes. The ovate petals reach a length of 5-7 mm. The front petal is provided with a four-blade appendage, lateral, wing-shaped appearance, outside have dark veins. Flowers are usually blue, less often reddish, sometimes white. Blossoms from May to August. The source prefers humid places in the light forests, on the sides of roads and between, but it is also found on dry meadows, pastures and slopes.

Collection and preparation. They collect flowering plants, clean the roots from the ground and dry them in a shaded area or in the sun.

The active ingredients are saponins, bitterness, essential oils and tannins. Healing effect n application. Although the composition of the bitter source is similar to the composition of the North American source of snow, it is used by scientific medicine is much less - just a few tea mixtures, juice and preparations with extracts from the source of coughing. Most often this medicinal plant is found in so-called blood purifying teas, which is based, apparently, on its diuretic effect. In the past, weeding was also used to stimulate the secretion of milk in breastfeeding women. However, this action is very unreliable.

Use in homeopathy. A fresh plant-based homeopathic remedy called Polygala amara is used for coughing, especially for elderly people who find it difficult to sputumate viscous. Sometimes it is also used to relieve coughing coughing with Avena sativa (a homeopathic oat remedy) and Valeriana (a homeopathic valeriana remedy). However, the homeopathic remedy Senega, derived from the roots of the North American origin of Senegal (Polygala senega L.), deserves more attention.

Application in folk medicine. In folk medicine it is known as a good blood-cleaning agent, tested for coughing, asthma, lung diseases, stomach problems and loss of appetite. As it activates metabolism in general, it is also used for water, kidney disease, rheumatism and gout.

Tea from a source: 2 teaspoons with top of the cut grass with a root fill in 1/4 l of cold water, heat up to a boil and in a minute filter out. If necessary, or 2-3 times a day, drink a cup of tea (with coughing honey) - slowly and sips.

Istonia tea is given to stimulate the secretion of milk in breastfeeding mothers. Among other things, P.A. Matthiolus wrote: "Wine-soaked flowers (weeds) strengthen the breastfeeding milk separation. The weed has long been used as a compressor for boils, skin rashes and wounds. It is believed that the source contains substances that act antimicrobially (against fungal diseases) and is also likely to have an antibacterial effect. Side effects should be feared only when this plant is used in too large amounts, as all products containing saponin, when overdose irritate the stomach, intestines and kidneys.