Part 3. Silver doe
The magician was not allowed to sleep properly: first, his own thoughts, and then the "newlyweds", who in their unique manner thought to fight in the middle of the night. Judging by the individual sounds, most of the furniture was damaged. Having failed for the sake of decency until the morning, Forlie went to get dressed.
At the same time, the magician looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled. It periodically added arrows, vampire-like teeth, grave freshness or, for example, baldness to the reflection. This time it guessed: besides his own shabby and sleepy look with circles under his eyes, he had a hanging loop around his neck. After scratching his neck, Forlie went downstairs.
And just in time. There, just as the old official was taking his things away from him in gratitude. He even seemed to forgive Steve that he had kept two things for himself and had taken a bunch of the others.
- You seem to have a demon here, look - still accused of demonology, - he finally said.
The brothers looked at each other.
- Even if he did, Mom would notice too," Forlie said, looking back.
He didn't feel anything like that.
- Let him sleep outside," Steve suggested. - It doesn't make any difference to her.
- Uh, no, husband, we should sleep together, remember what we swore on the altar? Sharing bed, shelter and food," Sofia intervened in the conversation. - But if you want, we can sleep outside. It really doesn't matter to me.
- I don't remember saying that. And how do we hide her presence? - The "husband" asked frowning.
- Will we? I thought we were going to try to decide at the same time...
- Let's not try," Steve cut it off. - Mom will kill her right away.
- It's nice of you to care about my life," the Succubus admired. - If you want to hide my essence and at the same time to clean up here, find a housekeeper.
- Or we can find you a wet rag," Steve continued. - Where can we find a housekeeper in the middle of a big city? I'm not an expert, but they seem to prefer less densely populated places.
Sofia shook her shoulders.
- Not all of them. I'm sure there's even a couple in your backwater. At least three dozen of them worked in my palace.
- A couple for the whole city? - I'm afraid we won't have time to remember the size of the "backwater"," said Forlie.
- Well, yes, it will be really harder to marry him. We'll have to look for an even more drunken priest," she said. - Let's say I know how to get a house priest, what will I get for it?
- You'll probably survive meeting our mother," Steve said quite seriously.
- You too, "beloved" son," Sofia said, highlighting the word "beloved.
- What do you need? Apart from freedom, the artifacts that will give you that freedom and all that," Forlie asked.
Succubus is thinking.
- If you have to, I will help you. I need chalk, something silver and your right hand.
Forlie looked at Sofia first, then at his hand, then at the demon woman again.
- We're going to draw the rune of the call," she explained. - They're like magpies, they love everything shiny. It won't take a minute for him to show up.
- And the hand, because the housewives in the shower are not only magpies, but also carnivorous predators? - Steve specified.
- No, because someone has to draw a rune. I can't, and you're as magical as this table," she pointed to the heavy oak counter top that served as the counter.
- She's from magic oak," Steve said, "sourly.
- And you're from the usual one. Leave, you'll scare the housekeeper away.
After exchanging his eyes with his brother, he went upstairs. Soliphileset took the chalk, put a big cross and drew a rune over it.
- But without a cross, you have to put silver in the center.
Forlie looked around - there was nothing silver in the area. Hoping to take it back, he pulled out a doe.
- Careful, very bad rune, if you make a mistake, he'll do something nasty," she said, watching the process. - Sere ... a doe in the center.
He carefully put the figure in the center of the resulting drawing and with a click filled the rune with magic. Lan shone, climbed up a couple of centimeters and began to grow in size. A couple of moments later, a full-size silver doe stood in front of them.
Whistling, curiously enough, Steve came downstairs. The sound was stuck in his mouth. He approached them.
- W-what are you doing?
- We're calling on the man at home," Forlie answered the machine.
- And how?
- A doe was called. Silver.
- My joint was wrong about the curls," Sophia admitted, looking at the rune.
She wasn't on the floor anymore, she was on the groats of the animal.
- It wasn't a simple doe," Steve said, pointing to the floor.
The boards that the doe touched were slowly becoming silver. Sophia, meanwhile, had got a small knife and was going to fix the rune. As soon as she touched the skin, the fallow deer burst out, and the Succubus' arm became silver up to the elbow and fell off. The sound of fallen metal scared the animal, and the doe rushed to the open door.
- Oh, I could only tell Forlie.
There was no blood, Sophia shaken up the stumps, and the hand appeared again. Safe and sound, even the clothes were restored. When she noticed that the others in the shop were not impressed by the coming of the Succubus, she shouted:
- Why did you stand up? She must be caught!
- There's a city full of very greedy people out there who can handle it without us," Steve said.
- Did you see what happened to my hand? It will turn half the city into silver, can you imagine the destruction? - Without waiting for an answer, she ran out.
Forli sighed, thought he hated physical education, and ran after her.
- No, but I imagine the happy faces of those who will suffer," said Steve, and took his time to shave his tracks.