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Леди Совершенства

Types Of Perception

Фото взято из открытых источников
Фото взято из открытых источников

Perception is a form of knowledge of reality. The sensual data and visual images that arise in the process of perception, which are formed at the same time, acquire a subject-specific meaning, i.e. relate to a certain subject. This subject is defined by the concept, fixed in the word, in the meaning of the word fixed features and properties that were hidden in the subject as a result of public practice and social experience. Comparison, comparison of the image appearing in the individual consciousness with the subject composition, properties, the signs of which are discovered by the public experience, fixed in the meaning of the word, constitute an essential link of perception as cognitive activity. In contrast to the feeling, which reflects the individual properties of the irritant, perception reflects the subject as a whole, in the aggregate of its properties. Thus perception is not reduced to the sum of separate sensations, and is qualitatively new stage of sensual knowledge with features inherent in it. The most important features of perception - objectivity, integrity, structure, stability and stability. Perception is closely connected with the subject's motor system, so it is necessary to develop and become active not only in the sensory, but also in the motor system. Thus, the perception of space is formed by real motor mastering of space: in early childhood - it is gravitational movement, and then - movement. This connection between feelings and action determines the entire path of historical development of perception in a person. Perception, including the highest specific human forms of perception, is inextricably linked to the entire historical development of culture, in particular, to various forms of art. Perception objectively reflects the surrounding reality. However, such a reflection does not occur passively. Perception reflects the entire mental life of a particular person.

The subject matter of perception is that the information obtained from the outside world relates only to this world.

This perception fulfils its indicative and regulatory function in human practice. Objectivity of perception is not an innate quality. There is a certain system of actions, provides a person with the discovery of the subject world. It should be noted that the decisive role in this case is played by feelings and movements. I.M. Sechenov emphasized in his works that objectivity is formed on the basis of processes, after all, always externally motive, providing contact with the object itself. Thanks to the function of movement, our perceptions have a quality of subject matter. Our visual, auditory and other senses also play a role. Objectivity as a property of perception plays a crucial role in human behaviour. For example, bricks and explosives are perceived to be very similar. Meanwhile, they are completely different. We usually do not identify objects by their appearance, but by the way we use them in practice and by their basic properties. Shape is important only as a sign for identifying an object in its meaning, i.e. in relation to other things, and in its possible use. Subjectivity plays an important role in further formation of perceptual processes, i.e. perception processes. When there is a discrepancy between the outer world and its reflection, the subject has to look for new ways of perception, providing a more correct perception. Perception is not a simple mechanical sum of independent feelings, which are only summed up in the process of perception, because various irritations are in different interdependencies, constantly interact with each other. In perception, each part usually depends on the environment in which it is given. The significance of the structure of the whole for the perception of parts that are not part of it is very bright and clear in some optical-geometric illusions. Thus, in optical illusions, the size of the figures perceived depends on the environment in which they are given.

The Integrity of perception when feeling a person perceives only the individual parts and properties of the object (cold, hot, soft, etc.). When perception is perceived holistic image of the object, which is formed on the basis of analysis and generalization of knowledge about the individual properties and qualities of the object, which we receive with the help of the senses in the form of various sensations. The whole influences the perception of its parts and Vice versa. This influence of the whole on the perception of the parts consists in the fact that some of these parts have a dominant significance for the perception of others. Any attempt to tear the whole from the unity of the parts is an empty hoax, any attempt to absorb the parts as a whole inevitably leads to the self-elimination of the whole.