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Фото взято из открытых источников
Фото взято из открытых источников

Character is a mental property of a person that determines the strategic line of human behavior and expresses his attitude: to the world around him, to work, to others, to himself.

The formation of character is determined by a complex mechanism of interaction of external and internal factors, in the process of which both biogenetic features of an individual and social conditions of his existence and development are closely intertwined and interact.

The character is defined and formed during the whole life of a person. The formation of character depends on a number of factors.

First, from physiological properties of the organism and features of the central nervous system, as well as other factors determined by the genotype (one person can develop faster, the other slower, one person has the ability to music, the other has the ability to abstract logical thinking).

The most obvious features of the central nervous system are manifested in temperament. Its influence is manifested in the speed and strength of an individual's reaction to environmental stimuli and, therefore, features such as balance or difficulty in entering a new situation, mobility or inertia of the reaction, etc. These reactions manifest themselves as emotions, which are the most important mechanism for stimulating the individual's activity, character formation and self-fulfillment.

People whose constitutional type and temperament require strong emotions, choose activities related to risk, People who do not need such strong emotions by their temperament, choose activities without risk.

Risk is the characteristic of activity at uncertain for the subject outcome at presence of an assumption about possible adverse result. Risks can also be situational and above situational, justified by the likelihood of success or non-achievement, or unjustified without regard to these likelihoods. An individual with an athlete's constitution and temperament of choleric or sanguine needs the strongest emotions. He gets them in the process of risk-related activities, experiencing the strongest emotions that stimulate his psychophysiological structures from outside. People with such characteristics choose the profession of military, law enforcement officers, high-rise assemblers, etc. as their sphere of activity. People with a temperament of phlegmatic and melancholic do not feel the need to risk stimulating their psycho-physiological needs, they find a factor of emotional satisfaction within themselves, within their activities. Temperature creates the basis for the formation of such traits of character as calm, balanced, balanced, or uncontrollable, impressionable, emotionally sensitive, etc. Emphasizing the priority of the internally conditioned prerequisites for the formation of character, it is necessary to emphasize the stadiality of its development. This means that a person is formed as a person in certain periods of his or her age formation, which can be decisive for the formation of character, and accordingly we can highlight the character of the child, teenager, adult and elderly person. The formation of character is carried out in the process of choosing the social sphere of their self-realization. This choice is made on the basis of the individual's innings. Tasks are congenital anatomical and physiological features of the organism, which create prerequisites for its effective self-realization through the development of its abilities. Tasks and abilities determine the formation of an individual's goal and meaning of life. An individual's goal and sense of life gives him/her an opportunity for effective self-realization, gives a feeling of harmony between his/her potential and his/her own perception of life" I "in reality. Formation of the purpose and meaning of life and recognition by its society makes it possible to form a holistic character and to realize one's creative potential as a gifted or fully developed personality, as well as as a talent or even a genius who has created a socially significant value. Possession of the goals of life is the main condition of character formation. Characterless person is characterized by the absence or dispersion of goals.

The essence of the character is manifested in the presence or absence of purpose and meaning of life, which determines the relationship: ) to the world and property (here you can select such traits as "principled and unprincipled", "purposeful - weak - willed", "organizer - performer", "Creator - destroyer"); ) activities (here appear qualities such as "active - inactive", "hardworking - lazy", "initiative-passive"); ) to others (here you can select such traits as "sociability-isolation", "truthfulness-falsehood", "tact - rudeness", "responsible-irresponsible,");) to himself (here you can distinguish such traits as "modesty-narcissism", "self-criticism-self-confidence", "pride-humility", "altruist-egoist").

Therefore, character - lifetime acquisition of personality, included in the system of social relations, in joint activities and communication with other people, and thus gaining their individuality. Superimposing an imprint on the appearance of the person, the character receives its most vivid expression in his actions, behavior, activities. Character should be judged primarily on the basis of the actions of people in which their essence is most fully reflected.