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A unique megalithic (stone) structure is located about 130 km southwest of London. It is Stonehenge, which has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1986 and is now managed by the British Crown in the English Heritage Office.

What is Stonehenge, one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world, and why are the eyes of those who explore the mysteries of history chained to it for many years?

To begin with, we should turn to the historical name of this mysterious complex, which in ancient times sounded like "Stanhengues". The translation of this word was tried in the Middle Ages, and the most accurate version was listed as "hanging stones" or "hanging stones". Today the monument is called Stonehenge, which means "stone henge", i.e. "stone circle".

The world of Stonehenge

Scientists believe that Stonehenge was founded approximately 3000 years before Christ. In other words, it is about 5 thousand years old.The complex is a circle of stones around which there are 56 Aubrey funerary "holes" named after the 17th-century explorer Stonehenge.

In the center is the altar, weighing 6 tons. In total, Stonehenge consists of 82 megaliths weighing 5 tons; 30 blocks, each weighing 25 tons, and 5 trilithons (arches of three stones) weighing 50 tons each.By the way, the arches point to the sides of the world with impeccable precision.

The stones that were used to create this mysterious structure have different origins. It is believed that the stones could have been transported from a 210 km stretch of land from Stonehenge.

Interesting fact:
When considering such structures, the question arises: how did these giant multi-ton blocks move from one place to another?

Scientists have experimented and found that 24 people can move a stone weighing one ton at a rate of 1 km per day.As we said earlier, there are 50-ton blocks in Stonehenge. Therefore, one such block could be moved by ancient builders for several years.

The legends of Stonehenge

One legend has it that the megalithic complex was built with the help of the wizard Merlin, who was also King Arthur's mentor. Allegedly, he moved blocks of stone from South Wales, a site of sacred springs.

However, even assuming that the legend has some grounds, it is difficult to assume that it was true. After all, the distance to these quarries is huge, and it was much easier to transport multi-ton blocks by sea, and then only the remaining 80 km to drag by land.

According to another version, the huge Heel Stone was formed when one monk ran away from the devil and did not have time to hide. The demon threw the stone at the saint who was running away and crushed his heel.Of course, all this can not be true, if only because the characters of ancient England lived much later than the appearance of Stonehenge.

Who built Stonehenge

As with any unique cultural heritage site, Stonehenge is of disputed origin. Whether the ancient Romans were involved in the construction or whether it was the result of German and Swiss activities, it remains a mystery.
It is believed that this complex was used for its intended purpose for 2-2.5 thousand years, after which it was abandoned.Of course, it is not possible to check this, and such conclusions are made based on minor facts and details.


There is also no clear and unambiguous answer to this question. However, there is a strong version that it was an ancient observatory.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, as a result of computer modeling, researchers have found that Stonehenge is not only a lunar calendar but also a solar calendar.

Moreover, Stonehenge is a clear model of the solar system in a cross-section. Interestingly enough, this model consisted of 12 planets at the time.Probably, ancient sages knew that for us while remains a scientific riddle.English historian Brooks, who studied Stonehenge for many years, proved that it is part of a giant navigation system.Of course, the complex was also used as a ritual place. Many ritual attributes were found in the vicinity.

After the excavations, the scientists came to the conclusion that about 240 people were buried in Stonehenge and cremated before burial. Archaeologists believe that most likely here were buried representatives of the local elite or the ruling dynasty.

Using radiocarbon analysis scientists have established that most of the remains concerns to 2570-2340 B.C., and the first part of dust which has been found out in the oldest part of Stonehenge, is dated 3030-2880 B.C.

In conclusion, I would like to say one thing: whoever was the builder of Stonehenge, but he possessed simply colossal knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, geology, and architecture.