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Steve and Forlie: The second-hand artifact shop. Chapter 2. Cranberry demon (Part 3)


Part 3. Cranberry demon.

I don't know how long he'd sit like this if Forlie hadn't walked through the door after a short knock.

- I've been reading..." he started, but when he looked at his brother, he got it all wrong. - Doesn't matter what you look like, what happened?

Steve retold what happened. You gotta hand it to Forlie, he didn't make any scenes, he just listened carefully.

- We got caught up in the nostrils," he said. - Shall we let Mom know or shall we try to fix it ourselves?

Steve's got a bit of a twitch. Deal with the demon did not promise anything good, but to communicate with their mother was many times more dangerous.

- Let's try it ourselves. Let's leave the "archive" in case of emergency.

Forlie ran away quickly for one of his books.

- Succubus, you say? - Quickly flipping through the pages, he said. - Yeah, that's it!

Forlie began to read quickly, tambourine under his nose, that the author described his assumptions and conjectures.

- Well, we do have a way to quickly subdue it," he said, avoiding it.

- And what's the problem?

- Succubus, like other demons, cannot break a contract once made. However, in order to conclude a contract with her, it is necessary to call her with the help of complex and God-proof rituals. Fortunately, in the case of Succubus, there is one exception to this rule. As a demon of sin and debauchery, they do not tolerate the exact opposite of this - pure and light love. So known is the case when a Succubus was taken as a wife - which completely neutralized all her abilities, "- read aloud Forlie and delicately silenced.

Steve grabbed his head, beating all records for the day.

- And who in their right mind would perform this rite? - He asked in despair.

- I heard that the high priest Gavent was ready to marry a goat for a decent reward.

- Is he the one they see more often in pubs than in the temple?

Forlie is silent - he is less likely to be in pubs than his brother. However, it was already something. Leaving his brother to study books further, Steve went to the high priest.

Gavent, the high priest of the Church of the Father, lived in the annex to the temple and did not open it at once. He was a man who was not too young, but rather beaten by life and alcoholism. Mostly the last one.

- Yes, my son," said Gavent, breathing in a sweat.

- I need to get engaged to a Succubus! - as seriously as possible, Steve said. - Tomorrow at noon.

The High Priest had been digesting that request for a long time.

- My son, if you already call her the lowest of the demons, is it necessary to continue? - Gavent clarified with a woven tongue.

- You do. I have this," Steve gave him a deck of cards. - Magical, always get the card you need.

The eyes of the high priest greedily lit up. He sobered up in no time, and even the smell of the overcooking disappeared somewhere.

- Well, if it stayed with us... uh, a secret confession, then you can," he gently took the deck. - Come at noon with the bride, we'll spend everything on the first category.

- We should be more modest and less crowded.

- All the better.

Despite the fact that he and his brother had not told anyone about the plan, by morning the whole town knew the news. And by noon everyone was going to see the wedding.

The soliphileset appeared in the basement at noon, in a chalk circle. She looked like a normal girl - no horns or hooves. Dark hair just below her shoulders, nosy nose, gray eyes. As Balaelle said, she behaved like a man who hadn't slept for at least a week.

Steve took her by hand and took her to the temple. Hundreds and thousands of eyes were on this strange procession. It wasn't wise - unlike his brother, a drunk stranger could only call him a family man.

Forlie himself was absent - he was sitting all night long in his books and was falling asleep.

Steve walked and thought the city rumors were not the worst. I don't think anyone would seriously think he married a Succubus. A couple of tanks would go, and that's all. But sooner or later parents will find out. Her father may understand or at least keep silent, but her mother... First she will tear the Succubus to pieces, then the demon with his deals, and then she will take over.

At the entrance to the temple Soliphileset felt trembling and for the first time, even for a short moment, showed herself. Steve noticed this and accelerated his move.

Gavent was already waiting for them. His ceremonial clothes were not well combined with red nose and deep circles under his eyes. He seemed to have spent the night trying to convince the gods to give up drinking.

- We are gathered here today to weave an unbreakable union of loving hearts! - The High Priest solemnly declared in a husky voice, though there were three others inside. - Stephen, are you ready to marry...

He stumbled without knowing the name of the Succubus. Forlie saw it coming and told him what to do.

- Her earthly name was Sophia," said Steve, winking in pain, "and the new name was embedded in his hand with her fingernails.

- Are you ready to marry Sophia?

- I am ready.

- Do you swear to her eternal faithfulness and undertake to keep her safe until death do you part?

- I swear.

The high priest nodded and looked at the Succubus. She was clearly awake. Steve asked for a sign to speed up.

- Sophia, do you agree to marry Steve... uh, Stephen and be faithful to him to the end?

It was the most dangerous moment, one of the quietest "no" things to break their plan down. Steve looked into Sophia's face, who was slow to answer. Her lips were moving slightly, and this movement was not a laconic "yes.

Suddenly the sign on his arm lit up with pain. For a second, something gloomy hovered over them. The Succubus shuddered and answered with an unnatural voice:

- Yes, I agree.

Gavent slammed his hands and exclaimed:

- So be it! And may this beautiful union be eternal!