"What can I feed the horses with?" You ask. "First of all, find out what you can't give to horses categorically! Every year veterinarians record the death of animals from eating poisonous herbs not only in the CIS, but also in countries that have gone far ahead in the culture of horses, veterinary medicine. There are no terrible statistics only because not all studies of the causes of animal death are conducted in all cases.
So, first of all, let's give a list of poisonous plants for horses, which are found in our climatic zone (for other zones it is subject to correction)
Astragal, asphodel
Hemlock, Belena, Belladonna, Brionia, Alphabet, Butane
Water hemlock, crow's eye, Veronica, catchment
Oak, acorns, elecampane, sweet clover, doph
St. John's Wort
Beauty, sweet clover, godson, goatee, crocus, bells, hemp
Lily of the valley, buttercups, lupine, lupine, brown, laurel, petals, bulbs, linseed, flax
Mac, the blizzard, the soap dish, the wet blanket, the muzzle.
Narcissus, the foxglove
Oleander, the prisoner of hollywood, the face-to-face light.
Fern, shepherd's bag, nightshade, chaff, sand lily, pyjama, snowdrift, ivy
Rakitnik, Rododendron (Azalia), grouse
Surepitsa, boxwood
Cotton, horsetail, dick
Hericia, cleanliness.
Schavel, saffron
Each of these plants has an individual negative impact on the horse's body. The consequences of eating can be immediate - a small amount of foxglove causes the horse to die within an hour, after years - the result of acorn poisoning can be seen when the horse is sold to another owner. The symptoms of poisoning are different for horses - colic, convulsions, loss of coordination, changes in temperature, breathing, pulse. As soon as you notice something wrong with the behavior of the animal, "sound the alarm"! Don't wait for a miracle. Call the vet immediately. The life of your favorite horse depends on the speed of reaction!
Especially for those who care about the health and life of their horses, we have collected the main recommendations of veterinarians.
Tips #1: Conscious grazing
You're grazing a horse on weed? Don't expect the animal to determine what to eat and what not to eat. "A horse knows what's good for it by nature," many horse owners say. You can partially agree with this statement for animals that are on a constant round-the-clock grazing with whole herd, but for "urban" animals - definitely not. Save for yourself on the phone the photos of the plants listed above, during the grazing look at yourself and the horses under the feet! Any doubt is an occasion to take the horse from the pasture before identification of the plant.
Tip #2. Do not feed grass from under the mower
Don't give the horses the grass mown by a lawn mower. If the grass has been mown with a mower, sickle or special machine, the owner and the animal will be able to choose poisonous plants from a bunch of smelling forage. But no one will be able to understand the grass porridge left over from the mower, so this is not a better example than feeding a horse on a stable. Even the fact that the grass was mown in the next park does not speak in its favour. There can grow anything from St. John's wort to the godson.
Tips# 3: Don't feed flowers from the flower bed
Do not feed the horses flowers, indoor plants from the shop, your own flower bed.
Tips #4. Do not feed grass for cows, goats, pigs
What is an excellent food source for other pets can be dangerous for horses. Check the grazing field instead of sighing with relief at the shepherd's words: "What poisonous plants? It's good grass, we've been grazing cows here for years. No one has ever complained.
Tips #5. Do not feed with medicinal herbs
Eliminate all medicinal herbs from the horse's diet, as most of them are poison-based. Uncontrolled feeding of horses with these plants causes serious problems. Do not give any bright flowering herbs (lupine, bell, foxglove), umbrella herbs (zikuta, hemlock).
Tip #6: Check the hay
For quality control, a field trip under hayfields is ideal. After a walk on it, pay special attention to the edges of the field, the ditches. Doubtful quality of the grass cut in the forest, near the swamps, ditches, roads, gardens and gardens. But even if you don't have the opportunity to visit the place, it's not a problem. Get a couple of bales out of each shipment brought in by the supplier. Check the hay for dust, poisonous plants. Before feeding the horse, check it again. Ideally, this procedure should become a daily habit for you. https://petsfusion.com/news/7/Jadovitye_rastenija_dlja_loshadej/