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About the prospects of cloning and psychic brain scanning.


The content of the soul, psyche and brain always has something unique, unique and situational. It is not reducible only to information, energy and its forms.

Cloning the brain
Therefore, this something cannot be scanned as an energy-information cloud and then moved to the cloned brain, which is a copy of the brain being scanned. This is something that will always be beyond the "board" of the cloned brain and body. It will go away with the death of the old brain and body. The new human being with the full body and brain copy and the energy-information cloud from the former brain and body that has been "pumped" into it will never be a complete repetition, i.e. a return from oblivion.

This new human being will remember his former life, will be related to the memory of life in the past brain and body, but it will not be a sight from oblivion, because it will be lost situational, situational uniqueness of the former "reservoir" of the body and brain, in which the psyche and soul of man developed. Body, brain, psychic and mental situational goes irretrievably.

In any full copy there is something that distinguishes it from the original. This is something - a unique situation, reflected in a copy, which is not reflected in the original. The fact that the original stands in the space on the right, and the copy on the left, that is, there is a spatial situation, indicates that the copy and the original - different creatures and will never behave synchronously. In other words, if you fantasize and imagine that you have created by cloning your complete biological copy and "uploaded" into it all your mental content, including the mental program of your "I", consciousness and unconscious. Moreover, after all this, let the new clone, for example, remember its life in the former body. Even in this case, being next to the original, this clone will not be the original and will not repeat all the processes that take place in the original simultaneously. These two living beings are divorced in space and time and therefore have a unique situation. Probably, between them there will be a telepathic communication and some unity of souls, and such, which is impossible even between identical twins. But the appearance of this clone, thinking and knowing about his life in the former body and brain - is not a return from nonexistence.

These two beings will not need to exchange the contents of their souls, as they will have common memories, common past. And even if we assume that they will have the same psychic "I" programs, which they will exchange and complement each other, then these two "I" will still be different in something, because they are divorced in space and time. They will be two beings who think the same way, experience the same thing, but always have a small difference in these processes, because the situation will create this difference. Now, after all the above, the question arises: "Will a person who has lost a loved one, but has received a clone of that loved one in return, who remembers everything about his past life and accepts his loved one? Will this person, who has lost a loved one, be able to accept, in fact, a new living being, which carries all the spiritual and mental foundations and memory of the former, who has gone into oblivion? Is it possible to stop feeling sorry for a man who has gone into oblivion, who is now reborn and remembers his past life?

How will people of other people perceive them if they have changed their bodies thanks to transplantation, but left their heads and brains behind? This is a problem of bioethics, psychology, bio psychology and bio philosophy.

The essence of the human being is not only in the uniqueness and situational of his soul, but also in the uniqueness and situational of his body, or more precisely, in the unique and situational interaction of body and soul, which is inimitable. Something will always be lost.

The thesis that a complete return from non-existence is possible with the help of cloning and brain scanning can only become a new qualitative basis for the emergence of religion and no more. The situation dies and does not return. Returning from Nonexistence as the Resurrection is an eternal theme, but it can rise to another level, thanks to the development of the science of cloning and scanning the psyche and brain.