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The other world

The magic inside us


An ominous letter

Chapter one

- Dog, someone is threatening us again, - the cat mumbled it under her nose so indifferently, as if telling about the plans for today.

She was holding a crumpled
envelope in her hands. Before she got under the door, he probably didn't look as frayed as he does now. It's no secret that the cat first took out its anger at some harmless thing, and only then began to reason sensibly. Her indifferent gaze was proof that the envelope had become the "harmless thing" that had suffered from a passionate character.

The dog slowly turned his head towards the girl. He only noticed the envelope after a few long seconds before he broke his eyebrow. Nathan was able to inflame the situation with his flame of
cold blood. When it seemed that the dog would no longer react to the threatening letter, his pale face, illuminated by the weak fire from the fireplace, cut through the slim smile. His eyes continued to shine in the darkness of the room.

- Yes? - The snake reluctantly took his eyes off the paper, squinting contemptuously. - Does anyone even care about us?

The answer was the piercing Pigeon's chase. The tiny girl who had been merging with the wall before and who hadn't given out her presence in any way stumbled over, ran up to the Cat and clung to her jacket with her tiny pale hands. Even though she was hardly two years younger than her friend, she could hardly reach her shoulder. The pigeon hid scaredly behind the back of the
"protector" as if the villain was in the room.

- Don't be so afraid! - The cat laughed out loud and hurried to stroke her friend over her thin, blond hair to calm her down. - These idiots don't know who they're dealing with! If they dare to hurt any of us, they will have
no mercy.

The girl, as a sign of confirmation of her words, felt an
amulet on her chest that looks like a cat. He immediately shone red, as if responding to the correctness of the words of the mistress.

The shiver in the hands of Pigeon weakened, but not to the end. To seem brave to everybody - though she understood in her heart that nobody cared about her - she could hardly force herself to let go of Cat's shoulder and nodded briefly.

The cat carelessly threw an envelope in the direction of the Dog. With the edge of her mind, she hoped that the paper would hit his cheek and scratch him, but he cleverly grabbed the envelope in the air. Without further ado, he ripped it apart and pulled out a hidden piece of paper. For a time, the dog ate the letter with an
ice-cold look that looked like disgust. It was only when he heard the sizzle of the impatient Cat above his ear that he pretended to read.

Someone was watching us," he thought as he unfolded the folded letter. -
The intruder finds time clearly when we're all sitting in the house. It's like there's a traitor among us..." The dog wriggled. At first, he took off his suddenly disgusted thought of betrayal, but... The word "home" always poisoned his soul. Strangled from the inside. Even when Nathan himself did not notice how to pronounce a disgusting combination of letters.

The soulless look of the Dog was immediately transferred from the letter to a small room in which all the members of his gang were: the Cat, the Snake, the Dove and, of course, he. The pigeon is too timid and scared to do anything vaguely reminiscent of espionage and robbery. She won't be able to overpower her inner demons and betray those who picked her up, slowly going mad. A cat is incredibly proud to get her hands dirty in such a black business. She'd rather throw them away and go away than work. She is lazy. She's a damn proud lazy girl. And the Snake ... The snake, whatever the creature he is, more than once proved the devotion to the gang of Hernagesen. What did he do it for?

"How stupid! - The dog shook his head, repelling the nasty thoughts. Did he start to think that there was a traitor among his comrades? They had gone through so much together! One way or another, Nathan lost sight of the letter and finally read it out loud:
- I am watching you. Wherever you run and wherever you hide, the lion will find you... The dog threw the letter into the fire. The flames were greedily eating the lunch. - What a stupidity!

However, after reading the letter in the room, everything was suddenly quiet - the whole gang of Hernagesen stared at the letter
burned in the fire with amazement. Even the wind on the street was quiet as if interested in the outcome of the events.