You can see the sunrise outside the window. Frank pulls out the phone, dials the number. It's ringing.
- Is that you? Hello? Why are you silent? - his wife asks.
- Katy, I... I agree!
- Are you sure? Are you sure?
- Yes... I'm sure.
A young couple came out of the hospital. Their smiles - they looked so happy... It would only take an hour for doctors to get Frank to join the army of happy people in this city, this country.
The doctor came as soon as Frank and his family crossed the threshold of the clinic. The patient followed the doctor, and the family stayed in the lobby waiting for him, sitting on comfortable couches.
In the office, the doctor began to fill out the necessary papers.
- Do you smoke?
The patient nodded.
- Alcohol? - the doctor continued to be interested.
Frank nodded again.
- Come in!
When Frank approached the equipment, he started looking at it.
- Reminds me of something, doesn't it? - The doctor asked and then he went on. - That's how people get used to it, yet they know what an MRI is! Looking at your case, you must be the last one left. Now people come with something to do. Get up off the wrong foot and everyone wants to forget! And what you have seen is a war, and even such a war...
Soon Frank accepted the doctor's invitation and went to the couch. The doctor pressed a few buttons on the device, and then he squealed.
The lasers started their business. Instead of the old memories, they pumped new ones into the patient's head. Frank had a lot to forget, so he chose the classic genre - a trip around the world.
The procedure did not take more than an hour, after which the device was powered up again.
- Congratulations, everything went well! - The doctor said and took the patient to his family.
Frank was greeted with joyful hugs. No more nightmares and no more regrets about the past. This family will live a new, happy life.
As Frank left the hospital, he heard gunshots.
- Did someone shoot? - Frank asked.
- You thought it was! - Katy smiled. - It's all in the past!
Frank stopped.
- Wait here. - Katy and her daughters headed towards the parking lot.
Frank froze waiting for more shots, but they never showed up.
"Katy's right, it seemed," he thought, as the second the sky pierced the sky with a terrible whistle...
Frank woke up lying on the ground. Everything was surrounded by smoke, mixed with dust
Frank wandered around hoping to find his wife and kids, but nobody said anything...
After swallowing the dust, Frank could barely drag his legs down the ground until he began to suffocate at all.
When he took the next step, he heard a strange gnashing. Under his foot, he found a metal sign. After shaking off the dust, he saw the inscription "Hospital".
After a few meters, he found a pile of debris. The building was literally wiped off the face of the earth.
Frank began to clean up the rubble in the hope of finding any survivors underneath, when he heard a baby whimpering nearby.
It took Dad a few minutes to find his daughters. Both were alive and well.
- Where is Mom? - Angela asked. - I want to go home...
Frank didn't know what to say to his daughter. He was so happy that they were alive and well, he just held them in his firm arms and kissed them...
The oppressive silence was interrupted by barely audible moans. Frank immediately rushed to the rescue.
As he threw up the stones, the groans got quieter and quieter, and soon stopped...
The girls have been standing there all this time, whining all the time. Frank asked the girls to step away when he stumbled upon the bloody fittings...
Soon the excavations were over - Katy was dead. The same fittings were sticking out of her stomach.
Frank again ordered the girls to move as far away as possible and not to look in his direction. After making sure they had gone far enough away, he leaned over the corpse and cried...
Somewhere in the distance, shots were heard. They brought Frank back to the reality where he still had to be rescued. The father took the youngest daughter in his arms and ran to the parking lot. Luckily, their car was intact.
"The offensive came from the east, so you have to go west," Frank argued to himself, eating in the car. On the way, they just didn't get caught. The wounded, frightened people all asked for help, but Frank didn't stop.
It wasn't until the evening that he left town. Frank was running down the west highway, and now and then, looking around.
In the light of the headlights, he saw an overturned car hugged by black smoke. Frank slowed down. What he saw made his skin crawl.
Crushed and crushed cars were standing along the roadside, and the bodies of people were lying chaotically all over the road.
He made a mistake. A cleanup had already taken place here. After a few more miles, Frank saw a lake nearby and decided to turn there. The car was struggling to overcome the impassibility of the road, and soon, because of the beginning of the rain and stuck at all.
I had to walk the rest of the way.
- Daddy! - called Lucy's father.
- Yes, honey!
- Where is Mom? - She asked.
Frank bowed down in front of his daughter and hugged her.
- Sweetie, it's a game, you know? Soon Mom will be back... I promise...
There was a noise on the side of the highway. All three hid in the tall grass at once.
A column of cars grew from the horizon, sparkling with headlights in the dark. Among them were tanks.
- They will leave... They will not notice... - Frank was calming the girls as much as he could.
Suddenly the column stopped.
- Check the sector by the lake! - ordered someone's voice.
Frank's car was immediately discovered with the help of spotlights.
- Fire! - The machine gun instantly turned the car into a sieve.
The girls squealed.
- Don't shoot! - The order came from the loudspeaker.
Three jeeps headed towards Frank.
The father was calming his daughters, but he knew they were doomed.
- Shut them up! - The soldiers who came running followed orders, covering the girls' mouths.
- We did nothing! Let us go! - Frank begged.
A stranger came up to him and took off the blindfold - there was no eye there...
- Don't you recognize it? - He asked. - Oh, yes! Your new invention! "The Brain Wiper!
The military began to walk around Frank.
- You know, Frank, I have a weapon that's more powerful than your brain washer. - the military pointed a gun at him.
-What do you want?
A stranger laughed.
- It was cleverly invented by his mother! Clever! - The military removed the gun. - We were preparing for this war for a long, very long time... And here we are... And you... You erased your memory! You don't remember shit!
A military man approached the machine gunner.
- Guys, maybe we should erase the memory and forget everything. As if there was nothing?
The machine gunner opened fire, releasing a small queue. Frank's body collapsed to the ground.
The soldier came up to the girls and said:
- Your father was killing women and children on our land. You must know and remember this.