Period of mobilization model of economy (1937-1953). This period can be called the most difficult for the country. The USSR continued to increase the pace of economic development. Plants, factories and hydroelectric power plants were still being built. At the same time, contradictions within the party became more acute.
The strengthening of Stalin's personal power also contributed to the strengthening of totalitarian society. Ideology shaped new thinking and perception. In 1937, a period of mass repressions began. The Red Army was almost without leadership.
In these conditions, active work on rearmament of the army, creation of new weapons continued. The price of victory in the Great Patriotic War was huge. On the battlefields, in concentration camps, in the besieged Leningrad, about 27 million Soviet people died in the rear. It was destroyed 1710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, destroyed a huge number of factories, factories, mines, many kilometers of railway tracks.
The end of the Great Patriotic War put on the agenda new tasks, first of all the restoration of the destroyed economy. The efforts of the Soviet people gave positive results. Only for the period of the first post-war five-year plan the volume of industrial and agricultural production has increased by 73 % in comparison with 1940, capital investments - three times, labour productivity - by 37 %, and the made national income - by 64 %.
The period of sustainable development and perestroika (1953-1991). A new stage in the life of the Soviet state begins with the death of Stalin in March 1953. This period in the development of Soviet statehood is characterized by the beginning of democratization of society. Repression ceases, Gulag is liquidated. The process of rehabilitation of innocent victims begins.
Democratization of the state life is reflected in the measures aimed at increasing the role of the Soviets, activation of their activities and strengthening ties with the masses. During the period under review, measures were taken to improve the efficiency of the national economy management. Changes are taking place in the labor legislation, in the direction of increasing material and social security of citizens. A plan for building the material and technical base of communism is being adopted. Nuclear power and electronics are being actively developed. The first man was sent into space. The development of virgin and fallow lands is beginning, and the share of light industry is expanding.
By the mid-1980s, tension in the economic sector was growing, the standard of living of the population was declining, corruption was on the rise, and labour discipline was deteriorating. The period of perestroika begins. One of its tasks was an attempt to transfer the centralized planning and economic economy to the market and commodity-money basis. At this time, there are laws on individual labor activity. The crisis of political power also contributes to the period, elements of parliamentarism are introduced, and the separation of powers takes place. The first Congress of People's Deputies was held.
Transition period to market economy (1991 - present). In the 1990s, the economy of the USSR (RSFSR) and then Russia experienced a deep recession, accompanied by a surge of inflation, reduced investment, increased external debt, barterization of the economy, reduced incomes of the population and many other negative phenomena. During this period, a number of economic reforms were carried out, including liberalization of prices and foreign trade, mass privatization.
One of the results of the reforms was the transition of the country's economy from planned to market economy. In the 1990s, the growth of the gap in the economic development of the country's regions was also determined.
All the events resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of a number of sovereign states that united into a formal CIS union.
Under the new conditions, radical economic reforms began.