11, than the Malone effect, the desired effect, the Rosenthal effect
The evaluation subject underestimates the ability of the evaluator, and finds that the evaluator is not motivated and has poor behavior, so that the evaluator internalizes this concept, prompting the evaluator to show bad behavior.
In ancient times, the Prince of Cyprus Pygmalion loved sculptures.One day, he succeeded in shaping the image of a beautiful woman, put it down, every day to watch more than affectionate eyes.Look at it, the beauty actually live.
In 1968, two American psychologists went to an elementary school, where they took three classes from Grade 1 to Grade 6, and performed a“development test”for the students.They will then inform the teacher about the list of possible students with excellent development in the tone of praise.8 months later, they came to the school for a retest, the results of the students on the list have made significant progress, and emotional, more cheerful, eager to learn strong, dare to express opinions, and teacher relations are particularly harmonious.
In fact, this is an expected psychological experiment conducted by psychologists.The list they provide is purely random.They implied through”authoritative lies " that teachers had faith in the students on the list, and while the teachers kept those lists buried deep in their hearts, the fervor still moistened the hearts of these students through their eyes, smiles and tones, in fact, they played the role of Pygmalion.Students are impacted imperceptibly, so they become more confident, and the uplifting stream ripples through their veins.This admirable experiment, later known as the "Pygmalion effect" or "expected effect" or " Rosenthal effect."
Thus, the Pygmalion effect is also summarized as:“say you do, you do, do not do; say you do not, you do not, do not."”
Helen has been working in the Foreign Trade Company for 3 years, graduated from the international trade profession her performance in the company has been mediocre.The reason is that her former boss Hu Yue is a very arrogant and mean woman, she Helen's all the work is not appreciated, but often poured cold water.At one time, Helen took the initiative to collect some information on the company's exports of textiles to implement new environmental standards, but the boss knew, not only do not appreciate her initiative, but criticized her not to concentrate on their work, and later Helen dared to pay attention to their own business outside the scope of work.Helen felt that Hu Yue did not appreciate her because she did not flatter her like any other colleague, but she asked herself that she could not get Hu Yue's favor because she was not a person who could do anything.
Until then, the company transferred to the new import and export work in charge of Sam, new boss new style, Sam from the United States back cheerful, colleagues often have praise, especially to promote everyone to speak freely, not rigidly adhere to the department and duties restrictions.In his drive, Helen also actively expressed his views.Thanks to Sam's positive encouragement, Helen's enthusiasm for her work is at an all-time high. she is constantly learning new things, drafting contracts, participating in negotiations, and dealing with foreign companies......Helen is very surprised that she has so much potential to discover.
Comment:in fact, Helen's change is what we say about the Pygmalion effect.In an environment that is not valued and incentivized, or even full of negative evaluation, people tend to be left-and-right with negative information, and to do a relatively low evaluation of themselves.And in an environment full of trust and appreciation, people are easy to be inspired and encouraged to work in a better direction, with the change of mentality, action more and more positive, and ultimately make better results.
12, Peter Principle
The Peter Principle (The PeterPrinciple) is Peter based on the analysis of thousands of relevant organizations in the failure of the competent instance and summed up.The specific content is: "in a hierarchy, each employee tends to rise to the position he is not competent."Peter points out that every employee who has performed well (competently) in the original position will be promoted to a higher level position;thereafter, if he continues to do so, he will be further promoted until he reaches a position that is beyond his competence.The resulting Peter inference is that " every position will end up being occupied by an employee who is not up to the job."Most of the tasks in a hierarchical organization are done by employees who have not yet reached the top of the hierarchy."Every worker will eventually reach Peter Heights, where his lifting quotient (PQ) is zero.As for how to speed up to the heights, there are two ways.First, is the above "pull", that is to rely on nepotism and acquaintances from the above pull; second, is the self "push", that self training and progress, while the former is widely used.
In the study of hierarchical organizations, Peter also analyzed the principle of Peter reversal: the competence of an employee is determined by the hierarchy of the organization's superiors, rather than the outside person.If the boss has reached the level of incompetence, he may be judged by the value of the system.For example, he will focus on whether employees comply with the norms, rituals, forms and the like; he will especially appreciate the work quickly, neat and polite staff.In short, similar to the boss is to enter the judgment subordinates.So for those who put the relationship between the means and the purpose of the reverse, the method is more important than the target, clerical work more than the intended purpose, the lack of independent judgment of autonomy, just obey and do not make a decision of professional mechanical actors, they will be considered to be competent workers, and therefore eligible for promotion,And from the point of view of the customer, the customer, or the victim, they are inherently incompetent.
13. Parkinson's law
A long-term study of Parkinson's disease by the renowned American historian, Knausgaard Parkinson, published a book called the Parkinson's law, in which he explained the causes and consequences of the institution's personnel expansion:an incompetent officer, there may be three ways out.The first is to apply for the resignation, the seat to the Competent Person;the second is to let a competent person to assist their work; the third is the appointment of two people lower than their own level as an assistant.
The first way is not to go, because it will lose a lot of power;the second way is not to go, because the capable person will become his opponent;it seems that only the Third Way is the most appropriate.So two mediocre assistants shared his work, and he himself gave orders.The two aides are incompetent, they will go under the influence, and then find themselves two incompetent aides.And so on, the formation of a bloated institutions, people, mutual wrangling, inefficient leadership system.It follows from the conclusion that in executive management, the administrative institutions will be like a pyramid, the administrative staff will continue to expand, everyone is busy, but the organization is getting less and less efficient.This law is also known as the“rise of the pyramid " phenomenon.