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about love in simple terms.

Beauty and the beast. Beginning.

The beauty of the soul gives charm even to an unsightly body, just as the ugliness of the soul puts on the most magnificent addition and on the most beautiful members of the body some special imprint, which excites an inexplicable aversion in us.

A young, handsome boy was watching a girl he loved for a long time. And so he had the courage to come up to her.

- Hi," the guy smiled shyly. - Can I meet you?

The girl looked at the boy. "Pretty," she thought, but that's not enough, is it? Just being pretty isn't enough these days. And then I asked her a question.

- Who are your parents?

- I did not understand.

- Well, what does your father do for you?

The young man looked at the girl and thought. The father always told him not to let his son spread about their family because there are people who communicate with you only because of your status. And such real friends will never be. That's why the guy gave it away.

- A plumber. - The girl laughed very loudly and said that she did not meet such losers and that she needs a rich boyfriend who can fulfill all her whims. The girl, still laughing, shaken her blonde hair and left the guy alone.

- What difference does it make who my parents are? It doesn't matter for real feelings, the guy said to himself.

What do you think is more important for a person than the beauty of the outside or inside? Sometimes in one person, these two beauties do not get along. So what to do? To be beautiful on the outside and terrible on the inside, or beautiful on the inside and terrible on the outside? Once I chose the first option, because, as they say in the famous saying "They meet me by the clothes...", but after what happened to me, I realized that without mental beauty - you will not be beautiful ...

- Vasilisa, get up! You'll be late for university," my mother knocked at my room.

- I'm up already! - I came back from behind a closed door.

Today is the first of September. And the first day of my studies in a new place. I already had time to study the whole year at the department of advertising of the Faculty of Philology. But because of one case, my family had to leave our hometown, where I was born and lived nineteen years, as well as a favorite occupation. And to be more precise, it used to be my favorite occupation. We moved to a foreign city, where only our distant relatives lived from our acquaintances.

And so, today I have to get used to the new place again. It's hard without friends, of course. Although... I never had any real friends. Everything in my life before was fake from and to. And it's a good thing I finally realized it. It was wrong to live in a world full of illusions, in a fake world.

When I got ready and got out, my mom was just getting breakfast on the table.

- Vasilisa, what are you wearing again? What about your face? - My parents looked at me critically. When I heard her say it, I looked at myself in the mirror, which probably should crack from my view right now. The shapeless black jeans, the same shapeless lightweight sweater. Chocolate-colored hair is smoothly combed into a low tail that falls below the shoulder blades. Her face was pale, gray circles under her green eyes, and glasses with a large grey frame (I picked her up especially for circles, by the way).

- What's wrong, Mom? - I asked myself perplexed. It's not the first time she sees her daughter like this.

- Vasya, we're in another city, you're not here... - I didn't let her finish.

- Mom, I don't care what city we are in. And I don't want to talk about it.

Mom didn't answer anything, she just pressed her lips. My mother is a very beautiful woman. Long chocolate-colored hair, good figure, brown eyes. Many people said that I looked like my mother. Of course, if you look at me now, you can say that I'm a coward. Well, what can you do? Not always enjoy beauty and fame.

- Well, let's not argue about it anymore," Mom put a cup of green tea and a couple of sandwiches in front of me"

- Thank you, Svetlana Sergeyevna, - my mother works as a chemistry teacher. It is strange to call my mother by name and patronymic at school.

- Eat, go and go, or you will be late.

- Mom, today we are not studying - the first of September. They will hold a meeting, we will know the schedule and everything.

- But it is not good to be late anyway.

I nodded and started to have breakfast. At that moment, my father came into the kitchen and kissed my mother on the cheek. So many years had passed and they still loved each other. I look at it and beguile myself. I wonder if I will get the same husband? Or luck is not passed down by inheritance?

- Good morning. Vasya, do you need a ride?

- No, thank you. I will drive myself - I did not want to go to the place of study in a black jeep.

Continuation should be...
