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We are all aware of situations in the life of our cars, in which you can often see many fragments of glass. The worst part of all this is that many motorists neglect such an affordable and reliable means as the correct cutting of glass. We will talk not only about the front glass but also about the rear windows, we will see and reveal the secret of glass removal. As we know, all modern samples of glass are glued to a special glue, it is silicone. We are motorists, often neglect one available tool that facilitates the work when dismantling old glass. People who use this tool have good money to reinstall car windows, it is their right. You and I are going to take a different path, a path that will save us from problems with unnecessary costs. The tool and secret used by specialists in the field of glass reinstallation is called a simple copper string. Many of us have had to deal with broken glass in our lives, and the fact that after removal, we scatter a lot of shards, which is a huge problem for the cabin. In order to avoid additional works on cleaning of the interior from all kinds of residues, glass that needs to be said removed is not easy, even with a vacuum cleaner, we will continue to talk about how to properly remove car glass.

So, if you are in a situation where the car glass is shattered, or if you have been crushed by the car body, remaining intact and you need to carefully remove it, then the following recommendations for you:

To correctly carry out the glass removal and then put a new one, we will take one copper string. Look carefully, that the string would be in a braid, on a guitar, it will be named
3, 4 or 5, it is the size. The weave will serve us for a powerful process of cutting the silicone structure. All the glasses, especially those of foreign cars, sit on silicone, so we take an awl and carefully make a hole in one of the convenient corner parts of the seat of the glass. Then let's put a string in there, and it is necessary to add that these two people need at least two people to work on them, i.e. when dismantling or installing the glass.

On the one hand, we pull on ourselves and pull the edge of the string in the right direction of cutting silicone, which is glued to the glass. In the same way, we do the other side of the glass, so the person who will do it should be in the car interior. Then when you have passed thus all area of a landing place of glass, and have cut silicone, on a place of a cut there will be small steps of silicone, it is not necessary to remove them. This residual silicone will be a great help to you, in a rigid bond with the new glass that you will be installing.

Further on, as we have not familiarized ourselves with the instructions for the technique of working with the string, I can assure you that this process is quite easy, just keep the string wrapped in a mitten.
If someone tells you that you should not get involved with this, that it is better to trust the specialists, I will tell you openly, in my experience I know that you will do it not worse than them, or even better, it is just a bluff, which is trying to confuse them.

Actually, we have analyzed the entire process of installing the windshield or rear window, it does not matter much, because the installation is the same, and then you can freely apply this theoretical material in practice. Use the practical story of this article in practice, because it was worked out personally by me and my friend in one of the everyday situations with a private car.

And in conclusion, I would like to add that this method is simply irreplaceable when we had to face this problematic situation of glass removal for the first time, we did not know what to do. Only on our own experience, and from small hints of specialists, who, by the way, did not believe that the two of us, for the first time in our lives, removed the windshield of cherry, we were able to safely and simply dismantle it. And the process of gluing, even easier, you will need for these purposes, silicone glue in a special gun, and degrease the surface of the edges of the glass and the edges of the body, the glass easily freezes within 24 hours, and your car is transformed before our eyes.