Healthy, beautiful hair - not so much the merit of genetics, as the result of women's efforts. You can achieve a quick effect with the help of professional products with silicones at home or contact the specialists in the salon.
For the restoration of curls, the structure of which is disturbed by the daily exposure to hairdryer or flats, frequent paintings, and use safer natural plant components.
In this case, crude cocoa butter is recommended. This hypoallergenic product is an excellent solution to these problems. Its curative properties, the main methods of application will be discussed in the article.
Useful effect for hair
The ripe cocoa beans contain large amounts of trace elements, vitamins, and fatty acids. Nourishing ingredients penetrate the hair structure, which is not possible with all-natural oils.
Regular use of the product will ensure the following effect:
Normalizes the condition of curls after perms, mechanical damage, dyeing.
It will give natural silkiness to dull strands. Loons become shiny, bright, striking with a rich shade.
Vegetable oil prevents thinning of strands and their brittleness. The use of masks during the month will return the density and strength to the curls.
The base oil strengthens the roots, soothes the skin, a few treatment courses are enough.
Eliminates safe means and electrification, makes curls like a cloth, smooth and obedient.
Protects against ultraviolet rays, strong wind, and frost.
Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, the head can be washed much less frequently.
It is also proven to stimulate hair growth by activating the blood circulation process.
The result of the use of a herbal remedy.
Lovers of chocolate aroma will taste like a healing remedy, we will try to figure out how to use it properly at home.
Rules of application
The effect of using cocoa butter depends on following a few simple recommendations:
1.The product has a hard consistency and is usually available in tiles. It begins to melt at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. The oil can be rubbed into pieces, but for the best effect, melt it in a water bath.
2.You can use the liquid in its purest form or add other useful auxiliary components, the list of the most effective masks will be discussed below.
3.Apply the formula only to the part of the skin or hair that needs help.
4.Use polyethylene, a warm towel to enhance the effect of the formula. You can also warm your hair with a hairdryer.
5.Keep the mask in place for at least one hour, leave the product on your hair for the whole night.
How to use cocoa butter
Cocoa butter can be used as an affordable means of moisturizing and strengthening hair. Its effect is better with a simultaneous scalp massage. In addition to increased circulation, the roots will receive more nutrients.
The procedures should be performed twice a week. Depending on the purpose, the product can be used in the form of wraps, in a mixture, to rub individual areas of the scalp. Any industrial shampoo or balm will also help to enrich the soil. About the way it is used in its pure form, we will talk further.
In the purest form
Treat your hair with cocoa butter as a mono-product as follows
Melt a piece in a bowl above a container filled with water over low heat.
Apply liberally on the tips of your hair an hour or an hour and a half before washing your hair.
Collect the hair in the ponytail.
Wash your hair as usual.
Dry the strands naturally.
This way you can replace a classic mask, rinse aid or balm. Over time, the hair stops slicing and the ends look fresh and alive.
There is another equally effective way to use oil:
Prepare a wooden comb with rare teeth;
Apply a small amount of nutrient to the comb;
brush carefully, pay special attention to the tips of your hair;
Wrap your head in a polyethylene cap and a warm terry towel;
Leave the mixture overnight;
Wash your head with warm water and shampoo;
If necessary, apply the soap solution to the entire length of the hair a second time;
Dry your hair without using a hairdryer.
With increased production of pure cocoa butter, it is not recommended to apply cocoa butter. Various masks can be prepared based on natural substances.
For shine and smoothness of your hair, you can prepare a simple mask of several ingredients:
1.Preheat 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter;
2. Add the same amount of turnip oil, five drops of vitamin A and E, and some grapefruit oil, a tablespoon of honey;
3. Distribute the mixture on dry curls and scalp;
4.wrap your hair in polyethylene and a bag;
Wash your head after 120 minutes.
The cosmetic procedure should be performed 12 times in a row, after which it is necessary to take a break for a month. If desired, the course can be repeated
The following mix is suitable for volume stimulation, without making them heavier:
Mix in a blender 8, 5 tablespoons of kefir, cocoa butter, melted beforehand (20 g.), egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of turnip oil.
Apply the mixture on the roots and along the entire length of the curls.
If the curls absorb the mask quickly, apply a second coat.
Wrap a nylon hat or polyethylene and a towel on top.
Rinse off the mixture with a shampoo.
Use such a mask before each wash, for two months, otherwise, the volume will not last long.
The following composition will help to strengthen the loosened curls:
Tincture of dried leaves and flowers (2 tablespoons of rosemary per 100 ml of boiling water will be needed) strain through a sieve or gauze.
Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter to the liquid heated.
Rub the mixture into the scalp and spread over the entire length of the hair.
Put polyethylene and a towel on top.
Wash off the mask after 2 hours.
The procedure is recommended not more than twice a week.
A mask from egg yolk, a tablespoon of melted cocoa butter and turnip oil (1 tbsp) can help prevent hair from falling out:
Mix all the above components;
Add homemade sourpuss;
Apply the mixture with light massaging movements on the scalp;
Cover your head with a polyethylene hat and towel;
After an hour and a half, rinse off the mask with a shampoo.
In case of severe loss, use this composition three times a week. The treatment course includes 15 to 20 procedures.
Cocoa dyeing
Cocoa gives hair a chocolate shade, as it has a large amount of dyeing pigment, for this reason, it is not recommended for blondes. This product will help to emphasize the natural dark color of the hair.
But it should be remembered that this is not a persistent dye, but rather a shade product. The result of the use will also depend on the structure of the hair. Porous and dry dyed more intensively.
The procedure is very simple:
1. Mix a tablespoon of cocoa butter with 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
2. Add your favorite balm, 2 tablespoons are enough;
Stir the mixture to the consistency of the thick sour cream;
3. Apply the mask to stale curls;
Hold for about an hour;
4. Rinse off with warm water;
If necessary, use a shampoo.
Cocoa butter does not have a pronounced dyeing property, the ingredient should be mixed with bean powder. The effect of this procedure lasts for up to 10 days, depending on how often you wash your hair. The natural dye can also be used as a nourishing mask for dry and brittle hair.