It is known that satisfaction of material and spiritual needs of the person is a necessary condition of its normal functioning, a condition of labor and other activity. If certain needs of the person are not satisfied or are satisfied to a minimum extent, various violations in the system of life of the person can occur. Family members are experiencing deprivation, need, acute shortage of funds. The question arises: to what extent such deprivations destroy the stability of marriage, how they affect the marital relationship, what happens to a person when his diverse Lack of opportunities to meet certain needs of the individual creates an emergency situation, as it generates a variety of negative feelings, a state of social and psychological discomfort, tension, deprivation. Dissatisfaction with other needs of the individual, especially the so-called sociogenic, perhaps not as catastrophic as the satisfaction of needs for food and water, but, nevertheless, the consequences can be the most severe and painful for the mental health of the individual. If the marriage does not satisfy the sexual need of at least one of the spouses, then there may be various negative consequences: infidelity, sexual coldness of a woman, the appearance of thoughts about the dissolution of the marriage, etc.Thus, the stability of family relations is threatened. Any person in life is faced with a situation where the satisfaction of his desires and needs is difficult or blocked. We can say that we are all well aware of the state of deprivation, scarcity or, in other words, deprivation. Social deprivation-is primarily the deprivation and difficulties that people experience in the socio-economic life. In other words, deprivation is a state in which the needs of the individual (family, collective, etc.) formed in the past are not satisfied or are satisfied to a minimum extent. Blocking the satisfaction of needs causes a state of mental tension and can often lead to very negative consequences both for the object of deprivation and for the environment of its immediate environment. So, if family members can not meet their material or emotional and psychological needs, then there is family deprivation. By it we mean objectively expressed and subjectively assessed a sharp shortage or lack of funds to meet the needs. Socio-psychological deprivation is the restriction of diverse needs associated with family communication, cooperation, and first of all - with a deficit of emotional and psychological needs. Any needs of the individual can be met in a socially acceptable way, within the existing cultural norms, rules, traditions and customs. In conditions of social scarcity, needs can be met in an anti-social way. For example, the material well-being of the family can be ensured by honest work in social production, but it can also be ensured through speculation, theft and other illegal acts. Social deprivation and difficulties, social scarcity of means and opportunities to meet the needs open the way to the analysis and understanding of various social deviations in human behavior.
The system of personal values determines the direction of behavior and activity. Knowing the value system of the individual, that is, what is dear to him, important, necessary in life, we can foresee how a person will react to actions in interpersonal relationships in family life. Spouses in principle are well aware of each other's systems/ values and can anticipate the behavior of the partner. Clothing, housing, home comfort, career, success, favorite work, health, family, children in our subjective perception act as certain values. Literally everything that is connected with satisfaction of the most various requirements can act as values: material, psychological, physiological, esthetic, moral.
The Value system of personality is a complex ideal formation of our consciousness and self - consciousness.
Sociologists and psychologists still have much to learn in this area. Note that in sociology it is customary to speak not about the system of values of the individual, but about the system of value orientations, but we believe that it is the same
Classification of conflicts on the basis of unmet needs of spouses:. *Conflicts, quarrels arising on the basis of an unsatisfied need for the value and significance of his "I", violation of dignity on the part of the other partner, his dismissive, disrespectful attitude. .
*Conflicts, quarrels, mental stress on the basis of unsatisfied sexual needs of one or both spouses. . Mental stress, depression, conflicts, quarrels because of unsatisfied needs of one or both spouses in positive emotions: lack of affection, care, attention, understanding of humor, gifts. .
* Conflicts, quarrels related to the addiction of one of the spouses to alcohol, gambling and other hypertrophied needs, leading to uneconomical and inefficient, and sometimes useless costs of family funds. .
* Financial disagreements arising on the basis of exaggerated needs of one of the spouses in the distribution of the budget, the maintenance of the family, the contribution of each partner to the material support of the family. .
*Conflicts, quarrels, quarrels because of dissatisfaction with the needs of spouses in food, clothing, in the device of the home, etc..
* Conflicts in connection with the need for mutual assistance, mutual support, cooperation on the division of labor in the family, housekeeping, childcare. .
*Conflicts, quarrels, quarrels on the basis of different needs and interests in recreation and leisure, various Hobbies