The little master cannot ask them to ask again. Who knows that he again forgot the word "pangu". He touched the snare drum in his hand, and, unfortunately, the snare drum was crushed. He said: “From the ancient world, there is a detachment for testing a horse!” Therefore, the group did not dare to ask again, only the old prime minister asked. Say: “Just a statement by Ban Gu Li Tian Di, how can there be a record of the ancient world?” The little shoemaker knew that he was wrong and he had to “skip the wrong compensation” and answered casually: “A flat drum is a drum plate” . The book volume is clearly written, you know where. "Wenwu Baiguan listened, wanted to laugh and not laugh, I don’t even dare say anything. Everyone has a lot of heart. If you are annoyed when you are stunned, the princess blames it. He wants to kill his head. He must pretend to be confused. He even claims to praise Ma’s deep knowledge and insight! It's not a flaw to be flattering from ancient times.
A year later, the Vietnamese king sent an envoy to China to meet with the emperor and said that he would like to solve the riddle with Chinese officials. Or the old prime minister a little, he squats back in Tanjong: “The longevity of my lord ,Playing, the next day, Xuanyuan immediately rushed, and the Vietnamese ambassador was ridiculous and guessed.
The Vietnamese ambassador and Ma Mei came to trial and sat face to face. Starting to play the riddle, the Vietnamese ambassador was the first to point a finger at his mouth. The little shoemaker thinks: what does it mean? It was really King Kong from Zhang Er, which made people feel puzzled. Suddenly he saw a pair of leather boots worn by the Vietnamese envoy, and the boot was broken. He thought he wanted to use the skin on the head of a cow to make shoes. His heartfelt words, you are a layman, skin on his mouth is better than the skin on his ribs! I unknowingly took my own chest. The Vietnamese ambassador looked at him, and then he held out his hand with his finger. The little shoemaker thought: the foreign ambassador fills his boots, only one or two silver ones, and in the end, he is too stingy, at least two or two silver ones! He thought about sticking out two fingers. Then the Vietnamese ambassador extended three fingers. When the little shoemaker saw this, the foreign ambassador had to give three or two silver coins, and he regretted that he had to pay less, he was interested in-jokes, and he quickly extended four fingers and put them on, meaning that I would not have four or two silver. I get it.
The dull secret came to an end, and the Vietnamese ambassador stood up and said to the emperor: “There are still many people in heaven. You won this dumb riddle. ” The emperor was inexplicable and asked what was happening. The Vietnamese envoy said: “I touched my mouth and said that I swallowed the sun and moon. He took the chest and said that he hugged the dragon. He extended a finger and said that he combined Huayi. He held out two fingers, saying that he still divided the two countries. I held out three. Fingers said that we have three hundred military commanders in Vietnam. He held out four fingers and said that you have four hundred wives in the country. It seems that there is a capable person in heaven, and the country is ready to lose the wind or pay tribute every year. In the DPRK. "The little cobbler heard this, my heart said: Good guy, there are so many words in my head, I will know where!
When the Vietnamese ambassador left the court, the emperor asked him when he had learned to play the riddle and how to answer it. The little cobbler was afraid to reveal the filling. How can he tell the idea of making boots? He simply said: "Chen, from childhood, read books about the earth and studied little riddles and made his eyes, so he could answer them." The emperor was listening. Really praised a lot and rewarded hundreds of forging, thousands of golden blades.
Manchur Wenu knows that Ma is a big straw bag, but this time he is allowed to do everything right. Who dares say nothing more? This is personal, and I dare not talk about anything. I am afraid that the emperor will blame it and will not be able to eat it. Thus, the little cobbler became a capable person in the center of the country, the red was purple, and the name was far-reaching.