There is a princess who is very talented and can write a plum lamp with both hands. The princess is over twenty-nine years old, and the emperor wants to recruit her. Discussing with the princess, the princess said: “I wrote the word“ plum blossom ”and laid it outside the day gate. Who can recognize him, who is recruiting him. ” The emperor nodded and promised to write to the emperor, and the word of the plum written by the princess was posted outside the gates of the dinner.
I do not know, this word plum blossom published the time of year and did not meet a person who might know. One day a small shoemaker came from the countryside, picked up a shoemaker and raised a pass through the door at noon. He saw an image-like word next to the door. It looked good, put a pickaxe and looked around. At this time, as the keeper of the emperor’s list, the Japanese official hurriedly went to ask: “Do you recognize this plum blossom?” The little shoemaker shook his head and slowly said: “I don’t know.” I think: the list of the Emperor has been published for over a year. No one said that the word plum flower is recognized. This young man has only one word, and he does not know him. It's not bad. Just take the little shoemaker and let him go, and immediately ask the emperor to accept the idea. The emperor also believes that only one word does not know, and knowledge is not bad, so he will call a little shoemaker.
The servant took the little shoemaker to the palace, replaced the kimono and sent him to the yard to see the emperor. The little shoemaker groaned, thinking: my choice is still on the street what is happening! He thought about this, and he listened to the emperor and asked: “Do you know how the plum blossoms?” The little shoemaker hastily replied: “Long live the first time, I know nothing.” The emperor saw that the little shoemaker looks good, talent, said: "One word I do not know what it is all about." I told Venvo Baiguan: "There is no intention of recruiting a young man who knows the word" plum blossom "like Hammer." He immediately ordered the prime minister to choose an auspicious day and kiss the princess.
A few days later, the little cobbler became a professional with the princess. The princess asked him who recognized the plum blossoms. He said: “I am a shoemaker. I don’t know what plum blossoms are. I do not want to come. They brought me here. ” The princess did not beat me. In one place they said: "You have a crime of bullying, I want to play my father, and I will introduce you to noon to show the crowd." The little shoemaker made his way to the princess and said: "Princess, my life is not worth it." A lot of money, but your reputation is great! I see the princess is still not arrogant. "A few words spoken by the heart of the princess, the princess should be like that."
A few days later, Manchu martial arts will celebrate Hammer. After the princess found out about this, she was frightened to open the filling and told the little shoemaker: “The martial arts of the Manchus want to entertain you, this hammer, you will need to ask you before the banquet, you have to prepare! they ask what you read in the book, you say four books were read in the Pentateuch. If you ask, you say, from the very beginning of the law of heaven and earth, how rulers can check their companion, they will not ask you again. "
shoemaker pearls The word does not know a single one, but it is a little stupid. I can’t remember so much. Especially for the word "pangu", I have sung many times, but I still can’t remember it. The princess could not do this. She had to use paper shells to insert a small drum. When she went to the feast, she was in her arms. If she forgets, she will think about it when she touches him.
Once the little shoemaker was really invited to the Kirin Pavilion for a feast. In anticipation of the banquet, Wenwu Baiguan praised that Ma Ma recognized plum blossoms and learned a lot. Some ask what verses you read? Who knows, the little cobbler forgot the word “five classics” and for some time could not remember. It is also a coincidence that this time he went to Beijing, and he had to try to pass the exam together on the road, he also helped these books pick up a bookcase and luggage and accompanied him to Beijing on the road, but he was also happy. In particular, these scholars composed verses and joint sentences, although the little shoemakers did not understand, but listened with pleasure. Once the singer said a verse that “sounded in waves and broke the shore.”
To be continued..