It was a bit of a hoarse but warm laugh. Isaac wasn't sure if he could go back to the vacuum that Evan wasn't in. Returning to the past life is tantamount to death. Evan decided to get the guy on the floor, next to the details of his miserable table, and Isaac was so tired of "building" that he was only happy to have a break. Evan smelled like cardamom and coffee for some reason.
- You again? - Isaac wasn't happy to smell someone else's T-shirt, determining that he didn't think it was true.
- Don't be angry," Evan gently said, kissing the guy's wet nose. - I'm just a mug with milk. I also took medication.
Isaac's eyes were already on the clock, and Isaac's eyes were on schedule.
He never thought he'd follow the rules, schedules, and prescriptions of adults in his life. However, it made him feel like he needed it. That's how life felt. Isaac came to life with Evan, and his life was full of colors. Yellow curtains. A pink text-spreader. Inkjet depression. Bright orange mania. Blue joy and love.
Isaac was afraid, worried, happy. But there was no more sad boredom. There was life.
Evan squint cunningly, touching the lover's thumb full of lips.
- What would we do at that moment? - He asked funny questions, joining the fingers of the mole on the guy's neck.
- That's what you always say when you want to kiss," Isaac said in a slightly coquettish way, without holding back a happy smile.
- Will you refuse me? - With a smile on his lips and a sad hope in his eyes, Evan said.
- Never in my life," Isaac replied strongly.
He would never give up his difficult but necessary happiness.
4 days. To the melody of the waltz (Gellert/Albus)
Albus wasn't happy to be back in Hogwarts for the first time in his life. And it wasn't even that the sick little sister stayed at home, and the little brother continued to be mad at him within the school, but that it was too noisy here. Tournament of Three Wizards. Three words, which brought to the measured life of the school storm of noise, gamma, and most importantly - a large number of people. The students from Sharmbaton and Durmstragg came to see them during the event, so there were more people on the way. Even in the beloved library, despite the threats of the sweetest caretaker, it was unusually noisy. But Albus left almost before the Forbidden Section to hide from the curious eyes.
But that's where he was found. There he met a gloomy, stern magician in a scarlet, strict form, who in one way inspired fear - cold, colored eyes, frowned eyebrows, a detached look and arrogant facial expression. Gellert Green de Wald. He was prophesied to be the champion of his school, but surprisingly, the Durmstragg teachers refused to participate, but he stayed as an observer. In this, Gellert was surprisingly reminiscent of Dumbledore, who was also invited to participate, but he was not interested.
Clashes in the library were repeated over and over again. And out of idle curiosity, Albus began to look at the choice of Green de Valda, noting that these books were also of interest to Dumbledore, but he already had time to familiarize himself with them. Still, there was something pleasantly intriguing in the fact that they had the same tastes. First of all, in the escape from society into the world of knowledge of ancient folios.
Albus still wondered how it turned out that they suddenly began to communicate. Just once Gellert sat down next to a stunned Gryffindorman for breakfast, and between them began a relaxed conversation. Albus had never been more interested in this before. The two of them ran away from their rooms to be alone at night in an empty classroom and to discuss topics that were not accepted in society; on the shore of the lake, the young men worked on spells, though sometimes they went to the hospital wing after that, but it did not upset them at all.
However, Christmas was approaching, and therefore the whispering and squealing of the girls became more and more frequent. Albus was dissatisfied with the fact that a flock of classmates with giggling came up to Gellert, who paid attention to it as much as to the small pebbles on the shore, that is, absolutely nothing. He answered the girls indifferently, throwing snide looks at the frowning Albus. In the end, the ladies left, smiling enough, and the Green de Wald, finally reached a friend.
- What they needed from you, - still - could not resist the question Dumbledore, biting the tongue. You didn't have to pay attention to that. Gellert, with his hand resting his head, grinning mysteriously, looked towards the fryfindors, the more irritated he became in his friend.
- What's the difference? - the durmstranger said, shooting a snide look at Albus, which he was not happy with and hurried to leave. And the fool understands that one of the girls invited Gellert to the Holy Ball. And judging by the girls' joyful appearance, he agreed. It must be strange to feel jealous of a friend with whom he does not have much time. But the burning snake of sin spilled around his heart, poisoning him. Even more so because Gellert did not even try to change something. He let Dumbledore go, and then he just came out of nowhere and, as never before, continued their eternal arguments.
... to be continued in the next part