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The right food is our friend. Part 2.

How the environment affects us.


What can be done about the life expectancy of a person?

Often we observe that while a person is full of will to live, and has good mental abilities, and feels good morally, the physical condition of his body begins to deteriorate. At the same time, the ascending line indicating mental abilities and will to live (moral attitude), and the descending line indicating the deterioration of the physical condition of the body, intersect at the age of 50 years.

By the age of 60, a person is often in a semi-working condition, unable to actively perform work.

Vermont residents learn to extend their working life. Instead of crossing at the age of 50, the ascending and descending lines will not cross earlier than at the age of 80. A person may be most able to work at the age of 60 to 80 years, because their mental abilities and will to live are in their best condition, along with the maintenance (preservation) of physical ability, which allows them to maintain their ability to work or continue to work in the profession, if he is not retired, or if he is retired, to enjoy a well-deserved vacation.

Folk medicine aims to make the life expectancy of a person equal to five times the period necessary for the full development of the organism, according to the laws of animal life.

Consequently, it is possible to prolong the life span of a person over 70 years, as evidenced by the study of people living in close contact with nature. The more I have learned, the more I have noted the close relationship between life expectancy and daily food intake. The knowledge of the Vermont inhabitants in the choice of food was borrowed not from the literature, but from everyday observations of domestic bruising, indicating that the food consumed daily should be characterized by a high content of carbohydrates, which are abundant in fruits, berries, edible leaves and root vegetables, and a low content of protein (meat, poultry and_ eggs_). Consumption of such products provides the body with nutrients ready to be absorbed.

These people consider the tissues of the human body to be similar to soil. Understanding the laws of nature and taking measures to maintain and restore fertility is essential to creating conditions for better soil fertility.

The approach based on the laws of nature allows us to preserve human health and restore it to increase life expectancy. The level of vitality depends on the wise choice of food intake, moisture intake, and air inhalation.


When you're going to build a wooden house to live in, do you order just any timber? Of course not. First of all, you decide which parts of the building one or another material is required.

To create and recreate the human body, to maintain it in a state of vitality and to extend its life span, we attach great importance to mineral elements.

A set of mineral elements involved in the functioning of the human body is one of the wonders of nature. Except for silver and gold practically all mineral elements are used by a human body.


Traditional medicine offers a very simple recipe to satisfy the needs of the body in mineral elements. It consists of the following: two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of apple vinegar per glass of water one or more times a day depending on mental and physical activity. The mixture tastes like apple cider. Vinegar contains the whole set of mineral elements that make up the apple; honey contains mineral elements contained in the nectar of flowers.