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Conflict resistance

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The relationship between people in society, increasing the number of objects, the presence of a variety of different models of interpersonal relations along with the positive changes in the activities of the subjects of interaction lead to destructive situations related to the existence of different points of view, different attitude, often expressed in the emergence of various conflicts between the interacting parties.

From the point of view of B. I. Hassan, the conflict is a special form of interpersonal interaction, during which there is a clash of different points of view, individual goals and interests, the emergence of contradictions between the subjects of interaction, which are accompanied by emotional forms of experience.

From the position of A. ya. Antsupov, the conflict is any acute way to resolve significant contradictions arising in the process of interaction, which consists in countering the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions.

According to N. V. Grishina, conflict is a special kind of social relations of subjects, individuals, social groups, communities.

From the psychological point of view, the conflict is a confrontation between two or more opposing sides, a clash of divergent forces.

This involves the intersection of interests, the inability to simultaneously meet the needs of the parties, the awareness of infringement of their interests and the attitude to the opposing side as the enemy and the "culprit" of the problem. conflict resistance work motivation conflict Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted, is an extreme form of contradiction, due to certain objective and subjective reasons, as a result of which there is a reaction of the parties. The main causes of social conflicts A.V. Dmitriev believes:) conflicts that have an objective nature and are caused by the process of professional activity;) conflicts generated by subjective reasons related to the psychological characteristics of the relationship between people and manifestations of individual personality traits. Conflicts often have a negative impact both on the emotional and mental state of its participants, and on the relationship of each of the conflicting parties. Avoiding the negative impact of conflicts, as well as their prevention depends, according to F. M. Borodkin, on the ability of a person to comply with the norms of social and psychological interaction, professional ethics, the ability to maintain stability in conflict situations. A special place is occupied by the aspect associated with the manifestation of personal resistance to the action of factors that can cause a conflict situation, and in case of its occurrence - to productive emotional reactions and behavioral stability. In other words the ability to avoid conflict - conflictologist. Let's consider some approaches to the definition of this concept. According to A. Y. Antsupov, sustainability is a system of personal and professional qualities of a person that can ensure his social and professional success. In B. G. Meshcheryakov's psychological dictionary stability is considered from several positions: noise immunity - characteristic of ergonomic process; moral stability-consideration of social norms and rules; transsituative stability - behavioral response in various situations; emotional stability - ability to resist emotionogenic situations. In this regard, conflict resistance can represent all of these types of resistance. From the point of view of B. I. Hassan, conflict resistance is a special case of psychological stability, and represents the optimal functioning of the human psyche in a conflict situation, i.e. the ability of a person to concentrate their efforts on constructive actions to come to an optimal resolution of the conflict.

Conflict resistance is influenced by the type of the human nervous system, life and professional experience, skills of behavior and activity, the level of development of the cognitive sphere.

From Grishina's position conflict resistance is one of the main personal qualities, which is the ability of a person to restrain the contradictions arising in problem situations and to regulate relations on a constructive basis A. ya.Antsupov defines conflict resistance as psychological stability of a person associated with the ability to organize the most acceptable behavioral trajectory in various conflict situations. According to F. M. Borodkin, conflict resistance, acting as one of the manifestations of psychological stability, is the ability of a person to optimally organize his behavior in difficult situations of social interaction, conflict-free to solve problems in relationships with other people.