Every woman wants to be loved and desired. Not seldom do they put obstacles to themselves. What is wrong with the strong half of humanity and so does everyone, but what is wrong with women - a question. After the polls, we can sum up what irritates men in women:
What annoys men in women
Complexes. You can't try to look like someone else. You have to be who you are and live with pleasure. You can do sports, do your hair, change your wardrobe.
You can list on the fingers of girls who make compliments to the ladies. This is not considered shameful. Although women from the nature of the rival and praise the girl with the beauty of the figure, appearance can sometimes be difficult. It is easier to envy them, and then wash the bones with their friends.
Jealousy. Often women are jealous at every turn. When a girl passes by a couple, the woman gets tense. Not seldom such behavior is caused by the presence of a reason for jealousy. Later on, she may become paranoid or sick. As a result, men get bored and the relationship breaks down.
Invasion of personal space. All free time a woman wants a man to devote only to her. Over time, this behavior begins to strain. Sometimes it all comes down to checking boxes, phones, questioning relatives and friends about where the lover was. It should be remembered that you can not turn into an owner.
A lot of conversations. After a hard day's work, the man wants to rest, and at home a flurry of unnecessary information falls on him. Female brain easily perceives every little thing, but the man does not need it. You need to talk less, but in fact, because the excessive constant chatter tires.
Issue a lot of riddles. It is not uncommon for women to speak so that a man can guess what his beloved one thinks about, or even prefer to remain silent. Then because of the fact that the lover has not yet guessed and offended. In today's world, very small number of people who have telepathic abilities, so do not expect from his man that he will guess. It is best to say everything at once, not to make charades.
Many men have to put up with these shortcomings, or get used to them and close their eyes. For some, it will be beneficial, but if you look at the situation on the other hand. A man may meet a woman who will have fewer disadvantages. As a result, he will leave the one with which it will be more comfortable, and the question is whether to wait until the chosen one gets used to it? It is better to try to change something in yourself, before it is too late, because the reason lies in the woman.