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What's the difference between twins and twins (part 1)


A lot of people live and don't know the difference between twins and twins. And, by the way, not bad live. But sometimes this knowledge becomes relevant. As a rule, this happens when in your life in one way or another get people born with his brother or sister with a difference of a few minutes. These can be friends, lovers or... future children. In the latter case, the interest is not idle, because parents want to know about their future babies, if not all, then as much as possible. So what is the difference between twins and twins? Let's figure this out.

Let's be clear: definitions and formulations

When two children develop in the same tummy, most people represent two completely identical babies. And someone else, starting planning the second pregnancy, firmly wants to have at once and a girl and a boy, and that they were so similar as if the reflection of each other in the mirror. However, you have probably noticed the fact that the children of the twins are not always alike. And sometimes, if you don't know for sure, it's hard to say that they are related. In order to better understand why this happens, it should be understood at least at a basic level of how twins differ from twins.

If you puzzle the question of how twins are different from twins, a person associated with medicine, then get a comprehensive answer that absolutely all children born in one pregnancy, are twins. But all the educated numerals, such as "twins" or "triplets" - refer exclusively to the number of children born as a result of one multiple pregnancy. That is, twins may not be twins, but twin children - always twins.

"How so? - You'd be surprised. And the fact is that twins can be born under different conditions, depending on which they are called identical (monozygotic) twins and mixed (digit) twins.

  • Identical, similar children of the same sex appear in the rare case when one egg, fertilized with one sperm after the formation of a zygote for unexplained reasons is divided in half. In this case, babies get the same genotype and sex.
  • But if a woman as a result of any hormonal changes is formed at once two mature eggs, and both of them are fertilized with two different sperm cells, the result is a baby with a different genetic set. Such children can be of different genders and are no more than ordinary brothers and sisters. They are called "twins" by the people.

By the way, if in recent years, the birth of twins (mixed twins) is becoming commonplace, and twins appear in one case out of a hundred, the emergence of identical twins is many times less common - only one case for three-four thousand births.

Mechanism of appearance of twins

The appearance of two children in the same pregnancy is so rare that it equates to a small miracle. This is a complex phenomenon, which is not fully studied by science, and it still excites the minds of many people. Let's look at the principle of how twins differ from twins, and where they come from in more detail. At the moment, there are three different ways to form a multiple pregnancy.

Identical twins

Principal differences between twins and twins are laid in the first seconds of the formation of a new life. As already written above, identical twins appear from one zygote - merged together one egg and one sperm. After fertilization, this zygote is suddenly divided into two (or more) parts, each of which has exactly the same set of genes. After that, some variations in the course of pregnancy are possible:

  • Each of the resulting babies can have their own placenta and its own bubble;
  • Babies can divide one placenta into two, but each of the children has their own bladder;
  • Twins develop in one "house" for two - dividing one bubble and one placenta for two.
  • It depends on how this happens, whether the babies will develop separately from each other or whether they will grow side by side during the whole perinatal period. This is also important in the case of complications of pregnancy of various etiologies.
  • But still, what are the characteristics and differences between twins and twins? If you systematize the available information, you get the following picture.
  • All identical twins have identical appearance, but in a quarter of all cases, the differences are mirror (one child has a mole on the right, the other has the same, but on the left).
  • Not only will these children have the same eye color, hair color, and physique, but even trifles such as the location of their teeth and body structure.
  • Such twins have the same blood type and fingerprints.
  • Monozygotic twins are always same-sex.
  • The transplanting of org is always successful between identical twins

To be continued in the next part