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The first year of living together.


The period when a couple of lovers meet is very different from the period of life that follows after the wedding. Before the wedding both a man and a woman behave completely differently. Men are more attentive, give gifts, take care of, invite to different places. A woman always looks good in front of a man. And when a couple begins to live together, often their relationship begins to eat everyday life. Women think that a man also in family relationships should take care of, give flowers and gifts, visit different places.
This is not the case. A man's behavior is normal, as it was at home. There are mutual picks based on trifles. One spouse cuts the bread wrong, the other squeezes out the wrong toothpaste. If you don't find a compromise and don't forget that besides your own self there is a common "we", unfortunately, family relationships often come to a breakup.

Advice for newlyweds

Family life in the first year is not in vain considered the most difficult stage. A man and a woman before that period grew up in different families, where there were their traditions and habits. Each family's life is arranged differently. And here, in one moment these two elements collide. Requires mutual understanding from the spouses. Often women work on an equal footing with men, and yet they still have to do household chores - cook, eat, clean and the like. In this case, the man needs to show understanding and take on some of the household chores.
Mistakes are made by women who do not let their husbands do anything about the house. This will certainly lead to absolutely understandable fatigue. Begins resentment, claims to the spouse, who does not help in the home, although he is so used to it, the woman herself so accustomed.

Where is the best place to live for the newlyweds?

Not a small role in the construction of family relations plays the role of where the spouses live. They can live alone or with their parents. Of course, in the ideal case it is better to live separately for young spouses. In cases where the residence takes place with the parents of any of the spouses, the young couple have to adapt not only to each other, but also to living together with their parents.
In modern conditions, with small square meters in the apartments, with the clarification of relations eventually involved all living in the house. In such situations, much depends on the behavior of living together with young spouses parents. And it is not important with whose parents live spouses - have to adapt the same way. Therefore, when building a family relationship is better to look for the opportunity to live immediately separately. This will help the young couple to adapt to each other faster, without focusing on the trifles. And parents will also be calmer, as they will not take part in family conflicts between spouses.